Recent Fire Damage Posts

Common Fire Safety Hazards

2/2/2024 (Permalink)

This Plantation home had a fire in the attic that caused significant damage. Luckily, the homeowner was safe and called SERVPRO of East Coral Springs.

Did you know over 100,000 fires occur each year, costing over 2.5 billion dollars in damage?

Just like any other type of disaster, you can't always predict when a fire will break out. However, you can take steps to prevent fires from happening in your home or commercial property. 

Every employee or family member is responsible for preventing fires. A safety protocol should be in place in the workplace. Keep a list of potential fire hazards posted where every employee can see it and conduct trainings frequently to remind employees of potential hazards. Emergency exits should be clear and free from obstacles. Fire extinguishers should be accessible and staff should be trained on how and when to use them. Annual fire inspections are a requirement in all commercial properties.  

In the home, items such as lighters and matches should be kept out of reach at all times. A fire escape plan should be practiced regularly and emergency exits should be clear and accessible. Fire extinguishers should be kept in the kitchen, garage, and any areas with potential fire hazards. 

In both commercial properties and homes, overloaded electrical outlets should be avoided at all times. Regular inspections of wiring and outlets are important as well. Smoke detectors are required and help save lives! Check your smoke detector batteries each month to ensure they are in working condition. 

It is everyone's responsibility to prevent fires from happening. Following these simple steps can not only save your property from being damaged, but it can also save lives. 

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs is the leader in fire/smoke damage restoration. If you have experienced a loss in your Coral Springs, Margate, Coconut Creek, or Parkland home, we can help. Call today for an inspection. 

(954) 406-7771

Common Reasons Why Your Smoke Detector Might be Beeping

12/5/2023 (Permalink)

Checking your fire smoke detector monthly can help ensure your family, home, and business stay safe. It can also reduce the disruptive beeping noises.

Fire and smoke detectors are necessary in your home and office. They save lives every day. 

But, there are few things more annoying than a fire alarm that won't stop beeping in your home or office. Not only is the sound itself grating on the nerves, but it can also be a sign that something is wrong with your fire alarm system. Don't ignore it! Here are some common reasons why your fire alarm might be beeping, and what you can do to fix the issue.

Low Battery

The most common reason why a fire alarm might be beeping is because the battery is low. Most fire alarms have a backup battery that kicks in if the power goes out, and if that battery is low, the alarm will start to beep to let you know it needs to be replaced. If you hear a single beep every minute or so, the battery is likely the issue.

Solution: Replace the battery as soon as possible. Check the manufacturer's instructions for the type of battery you need, and make sure to test the new battery to make sure the beeping has stopped.

A good practice to put into place is checking your fire/smoke detectors each time you pay your electric bill. It's a quick and easy reminder each month. 

Dust or Debris

Over time, dust and debris can build up inside your fire alarm, causing it to beep. This is especially common in homes that have a lot of pet dander or dust in the air. If your alarm is beeping in short bursts, dust or debris may be the issue.

Solution: Use a vacuum or a can of compressed air to clean out the inside of the alarm. Be gentle, as the internal components are delicate, and make sure to turn off the power to the alarm before you start cleaning.

Malfunctioning Sensor

The sensor in your fire alarm is what detects smoke or heat and triggers the alarm. If the sensor is malfunctioning, it can cause the alarm to beep even if there is no smoke or fire present. If the alarm is beeping in short bursts and there is no visible smoke or fire, the sensor may be the issue.

Solution: Contact a professional to have the sensor replaced. Do not try to replace the sensor yourself, as this can be dangerous and could cause further issues.

Interference from Other Devices

Some electronic devices can interfere with your fire alarm, causing it to beep. This is more common in wireless alarms, as they use radio frequencies to communicate with other devices. If the alarm is beeping in short bursts and there is no visible smoke or fire, another device may be interfering with the alarm.

Solution: Move any electronic devices away from the alarm and see if the beeping stops. If the beeping continues, contact a professional to have the alarm checked for other issues.

A fire alarm that won't stop beeping can be frustrating, but it's important to remember that it is a safety feature designed to protect you and your family. If you are unsure of the cause of the beeping, contact a professional to have your alarm checked for issues. By taking care of your fire alarm, you can ensure that it will work properly in the event of an emergency.

Improper Fire Remediation and Clean Up

2/15/2023 (Permalink)

This Plantation home had a garage fire that spread to the kitchen and living areas. SERVPRO of East Coral Springs remediated the entire home.

As a home or business owner, you likely don’t think about the long-term effects these dangerous flames can have on your family, home or business. Unfortunately, fire damage is not always visible to the naked eye and can remain hidden for months or even years after it occurred. If you suspect that the damage was not taken care of properly, then there are steps you can take to protect yourself from further problems down the road.

What Happens if Fire Damage is Unmitigated?

If fire damage is not properly mitigated, the fire damage can spread to other parts of the building. This is especially true if you have a wooden structure. It’s estimated that 80% of all fires spread and are not contained within their original area. The smoke and soot can spread to other buildings on your property or nearby. If the damage is not properly mitigated after a fire, there could be severe consequences for your neighbors as well as yourself, especially if they're in close proximity. The smoke and soot from a mishap like this could cause permanent damage to your home even after it's been cleaned up. 

What to Look for After a Fire

Smoke can damage the structural integrity of a building, as well as its contents. The color of the walls and ceiling may be discolored or have a dull appearance, and there may be water stains or soot deposits on these surfaces. If you see any evidence that points to smoke damage, it is important to consult with professionals who can provide an assessment of the extent of the problem before proceeding with repairs.

Signs of water damage. Water used in firefighting efforts may cause severe structural problems due to crumbling walls and ceilings as well as mold growth if left untreated for too long after cleanup has been completed. If you notice any signs that point toward possible flooding due to firefighting activities – such as puddles under windowsills – contact professionals immediately so they can assess how best to proceed with cleanup efforts without further damaging your property's structure or contents

Contact a Professional

The longer you wait, the more damage can be caused by fire and water damage. Don't try to do it yourself, if you aren't sure what to look for contact a licensed professional immediately.

It's best to act quickly so that the dangerous bacteria and spores from ash, don't get a chance to grow into something worse.

Our team is certified in fire restoration and is here to help you with all your fire damage needs. We have the expertise and experience to get your home back to its pre-fire condition. We can also help you find replacement items for those items that were damaged or destroyed in the fire.

We work with all insurance companies to ensure your home or business can get back up and running in no time. 

Call us 24 hours a day for all of your fire/smoke remediation needs. (954) 406-7771

Smoke Odor Removal Requires Special Equipment And Knowledge

12/20/2022 (Permalink)

One of the main causes of smoke odors is industrial fire damage.

Smoke Odor Removal Requires Special Equipment And Knowledge

Smoke Odor Removal

Smoke odor in your home can be an unhealthy and frustrating problem. It's not uncommon for people to try to remove smoke odors from their homes, only to find that the smell returns. But as with most things, it's important to go into this process with knowledge about what caused the smell and how best to treat it. So let's take a look at why smoke odors return after you think they are gone.

Removing Smoke Odor

There's no one-size-fits-all solution to removing smoke odor. The nature of the problem and the equipment used are both very important in determining what will work best for your home. Smoke damage is often so severe that it can't be fully cleaned, but there are steps you can take to minimize the impact and restore some of your home's former beauty. 

Removing Smoke Odor Can Take a While

There are a number of reasons that smoke odors return after you think they have been removed. The first is that the smoke odor removal process can take weeks, if not months. That’s why we recommend that you hire a professional company like SERPVRO of East Coral Springs to do your smoke odor removal work for you. We will be able to identify any hidden sources of smoke odor and remove them so that your home smells fresh, clean, and healthy again!

Do you have an indoor family member who smokes? You might still smell the smoke because there may be some remnants of tobacco left in your home. Tobacco tends to build up on walls and ceilings over time, especially in areas where people regularly smoked such as kitchens or living rooms. This buildup can cause mildew growth which releases an unpleasant smell when it begins decaying due to exposure to sunlight or other environmental conditions like humidity levels being too high indoors (which happens naturally during summer).

Fire Damage and Smoke Odor

One of the main causes of smoke odors is industrial fire damage. When a factory catches fire, it’s not uncommon for firefighters to have trouble extinguishing it completely due to the quantity of materials being used. This could include plastics, rubber, petroleum products and other volatile substances that burn easily and produce strong smells when they do so.

Even after these types of fires are extinguished, business owners may still experience lingering smoke odors because any material left behind can continue releasing fumes for years afterward. In some cases these fumes can also be toxic if there was chemical exposure during the fire itself or if an industrial process created them onsite (such as oil refineries).

Product and Equipment Matter

The type of product you use will affect how effective it is at removing smoke odors. Some products are better than others, but not all products are effective when it comes to smoke odor removal.

The most important thing to remember is that there's no single best solution for removing smoke odors from your home or car or office. You'll need to choose the right products for your particular situation and circumstances.

Knowing the Source and the Solution

Smoke odor removal requires knowledge to know what has caused the smell and how to treat it. This is where we excel. Our technicians are trained in all areas of smoke odor removal, and they work with you every step of the way. 

They'll ask questions about your home or business and then come up with a plan for removing odors from your property.

A critical part of our process is determining what caused the smoky smell in the first place. For example, if you're trying to remove odors from food leftovers burning on a stovetop or in a microwave, there will be different solutions than if your home caught on fire because you forgot to empty the dryer lint tray. The key is finding out what caused the smoke odor so that we can apply the right treatment method.

After identifying where an unwanted scent comes from, we'll talk about potential solutions with you; together we'll determine which products will best address your specific needs—whether that means using ozone generators or simply airing out rooms until fresh air blows away bad smells from previous occupants' cooking experiments gone wrong.

The good news is, you don’t have to worry about this one. We know exactly how to remove smoke odors from your Coral Springs home and help you get back on track. Give us a call and we’ll be glad to help! (954) 406-7771

Outside Grilling Fire Safety

6/24/2022 (Permalink)

Follow these BBQ cooking tips and grill safely this summer.

According to National Fire Protection Association July is the peak month for grill fires, followed by the months June, May, and August. 

During the summer season when the days are longer and the weather is warmer, more families cook food outside.  Whether you use gas, propane, charcoal, or a smoker, SERVPRO of East Coral Springs wants you to keep these fire precautions in mind. 

For gas/propane grills:

*Check the gas tank for leaks before using it.

*Open the lid on all gas grills before lighting.

For charcoal grills:

*Use only charcoal-started fluid to start the fire.

*Make sure the coals are completely cool before disposing of them in a metal container.

For smokers as well as all grills alike, these common-sense tips apply.  Make sure the placement of the grill is away from the house. Don't place it under eaves or trees. Never leave the grill unattended and ensure the kids and pets are at least three feet away. Remembering to remove the grease and fat buildup from the trays and grills after each use is important. 

SERVPRO wants you to have a safe, enjoyable summer while feasting on the delicious foods you cook. We hope the delicious smokey fire smell is the only fire smell you remember this summer.  

Help is only a phone call away, (954) 406-7771.

Practice Fire Safety Drills With Your Family

3/28/2022 (Permalink)

A Fire caused extensive damage to Coral Springs home

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs wants our community to be aware and prepared in case of a fire.

Did you know only 26 percent of families have actually developed and practiced a home fire escape plan? 

Here is a list to help prepare:

1) Install a smoke alarm on every level of your home and outside of sleeping areas.

2) Test smoke alarm batteries every month and change them at least once a year.

3) Make sure everyone in your family knows at least two ways to escape from every room of your home.

4) Practice your fire escape plan at least twice a year. Designate a meeting spot outside and a safe distance from your home. Make sure all family members know the meeting spot.

5) Have your family practice escaping from your home, practicing low crawling, and at different times of the day. Make sure everyone knows how to call 9-1-1.

6) Consider escape ladders for sleeping areas on the second or third floor. Make sure everyone in your home learns how to use them ahead of time by reading the manufacturer’s instructions and understanding the steps to use them. Store them near the window where they will be used.

7)Teach your family to stop, drop to the ground, and roll if their clothes catch on fire. Practice this with your children.

8) Once you get out of your home, stay out under all circumstances, until a fire official gives you permission to go back inside.

9) Never open doors that are warm to the touch.

10) If smoke, heat, or flames block your exit routes, stay in the room with the door closed. If possible, place a towel under the door and call the fire department to alert them to your location in the home. Go to the window and signal for help by waving a bright-colored cloth or a flashlight. Do not break the window, but open it from the top and bottom.

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs is "Faster to any Disaster".  Call 954-406-7771

Does Your Family Have a Fire Escape Plan?

10/19/2021 (Permalink)

Here is how you can create a fire escape plan to ensure that your family is prepared in case of an emergency.

Having a fire escape plan for your family in place could quite literally save lives. While you may never be able to predict a fire, you can do everything in your power to be prepared in case of an emergency. Each person should have a fire escape plan that is known and practiced by everyone in the family, especially if you have young children.

While most people know that they probably should have a fire escape plan in place, sadly that is not the reality for most Americans. In fact, according to the American Red Cross:

  • Only 26% of families have developed and practiced a home fire escape plan
  • 80% of Americans are not aware that home fires are the single most common disaster in the nation
  • In a typical year, 20,000 people are injured in home fires

It is crucial that your family have a fire escape plan to keep everyone safe.

Here is how you can create a fire escape plan to ensure that your family is prepared in case of an emergency:

Creating a Fire Escape Plan

Know the Proper Response

The first step in your fire escape plan is knowing the proper way to react to a fire. In an emergency like this, it is important to act quickly. The only way to act quickly under stress is to know exactly what to do.

When trying to exit the house or building, it is crucial to stay low to the ground to avoid the smoke that is rising into the air. While crawling to the exit, it is important to try and keep your face covered with clothing or any other type of fabric. Once you are out of the house, you should not re-enter under any circumstances.

Map Out the Escape Route

Before any signs of a disaster, you and all of the members of your family should know two ways to get out of each room in the house. To map out your escape route, it can be very helpful to print out the layout of your home, while noting where everyone sleeps, including all of the potential exits on the printed layout. You should draw out primary and secondary exits to your home and make sure that everyone is aware.

Set a Meet Up Point

It is crucial to set up a meeting point for everyone when outside. It is very important to have one designated spot to prevent anyone from running back into the building if they are not sure everyone has exited. Your meeting point should be an adequate distance away from your house, such as at the end of your driveway or across the street.

Practice, Practice, Practice

A fire escape plan has no use if all of your family members do not know how to properly execute it. To be best prepared, your family should rehearse the fire escape plan at least twice a year. As soon as the smoke detector goes off, everyone should know what to do.

Important Pet Fire Safety Tips

8/27/2021 (Permalink)

We strongly advise for families to practice their fire escape plan and that should include pets as well.

When discussing home fire safety plans most families talk about what to do and where to go as it relates to the humans in their family. This is extremely important, as the priority in the event of a fire is to get every family member out of the house as safely and quickly as possible. Establishing a family plan, and reviewing it at least twice a year, is critical to protecting your loved ones in a home fire. But what about your furry family members? Including your pets in your fire safety family plan is highly recommended.

We strongly advise for families to practice their fire escape plan and that should include pets as well. Before going over details, it is important to note that while protecting your pet is something that should be attempted, you should never delay escaping or put yourself or family members in danger in order to rescue a pet.

The American Red Cross has offered some valuable tips for pet fire safety in your home. According to the National Fire Protection Association, approximately 1,000 home fires are started accidentally by pets each year. Keep these tips in mind to prevent your pets from accidentally starting a home fire:

  1. Pay attention to stove knobs. We recommend covering them if leaving the house or removing them completely.
  2. When leaving the home, make sure that your younger pets are not near any hazards that could potentially start a fire.
  3. Never leave a pet unattended near an open flame.
  4. Be extra careful about candles. We recommend getting flameless candles for your home.

A home fire is one of the scariest things that a family can experience. While a fire is something that most people think will never happen in their home, being prepared is critical to keeping you and your loved ones safe. At SERVPRO, we have many years of experience in fire damage repair and restoration. Contact our office today for any and all fire damage restoration needs.

Teaching Your Children Fire Safety Tips

6/24/2021 (Permalink)

A crucial part of fire safety for kids is preventing them from starting a fire in the first place.

Tragically, children are most at risk during a household fire. Many of these fires are started by children playing with flammable items found in the home, such as lighters and matches.  According to the U.S. Fire Administration, an estimated 300 people are killed and $280 million in property is destroyed each year as the result of children playing with fire. Teaching your children basic fire safety tips can ultimately save their lives.

Preventing Your Child from Starting a Fire

A crucial part of fire safety for kids is preventing them from starting a fire in the first place. The easiest way to do this is to keep lighters, matches, candles, and any other flammable objects out of the potential reach of your children. When it comes to candles in the home, it's a good idea to invest in flameless candles to diminish the probability that your child knocks over an ignited flame.

Fire Safety Tips for Kids

Teach Kids About Smoke Detectors

Children should know what a smoke detector sector is, what they look like, how they sound, and what to do if they ever hear one in your home. It is essential for children to associate the sound of a smoke detector with a fire. You should ensure that smoke detectors are installed on every level of your home. Also, you should replace the batteries in your smoke detectors at least once a year.

Plan Escape Routes

When planning how to escape in event of a fire, you and your children should be aware of at least two possible exits from each room, usually a door and a window. You should also have a designated meeting space outside of your home, and far away from any flames, that all family members are aware of.

Practice Exiting Your Home

You should practice opening windows and using escape ladders with your children so they are prepared in case of an emergency. Teach your kids how to touch the doorknob to check for heat and, if needed, find another way out. When exiting a burning home, it is important to use your hands and not your eyes. You can practice this with your children by turning it into a game and having them try to exit the house blindfolded.

Stop, Drop, and Roll

Kids should know that if any of their clothing catches on fire they need to stop, drop, and roll. It is also a good idea to act this out and practice with them. If children understand that they need to stop drop and roll to reduce flames, many fire related injuries can usually be avoided.

Get Out, Stay Out

It is vital for children to understand that once they exit a burning building, they should never return under any circumstances. If a family member or pet is stuck inside the home, let a firefighter know instead of running back into the building yourself. Once at the designated meeting area, you and your children should remain there.

Ideally, you should practice this escape plan with your children at least twice a year to make sure that they feel calm didn't in what to do in case of a fire.

Fire Hazards to Consider While Cooking

4/12/2021 (Permalink)

The most common place for a fire to start in the home is on a stove top in the kitchen, not in the oven.

According to the National Fire Protection Association, cooking fires are actually the number one cause of home fires and injuries. Between 2014-2018, 49% of home fires are a cause of cooking equipment, which resulted in 21% of the home fire deaths and 44% of the injuries. Tragically, holidays like Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, Easter, and Christmas Eve are some of the peak days for home fires, when more cooking than usual takes place in the home.

Fire Hazards in the Kitchen

  • The most common place for a fire to start in the home is on a stove top in the kitchen, not in the oven. When cooking on the stove top, always be sure to stay alert and do not leave any food unattended.
  • Make sure there are no curtains, towel racks, or even paper towel dispensers too close to any burners that could be potential fire hazards and spread any flames.
  • If the microwave in your home is not built in, make sure there is no clutter nearby and the vents are not obstructed.

How to Avoid Home Cooking Fires

  • Buy a fire extinguisher to keep in your kitchen within easy reach if a fire starts while cooking.
  • You should never walk away from a stove top for more than a few minutes at a time. A good rule of thumb is to set a timer for every five minutes to remind you to check your stove top and to make sure your food is not burnt.
  • You should not operate any appliances or potential fire hazards if you are not alert. Being too tired or under the influence while cooking can lead to dangerous situations.
  • Keep anything that could catch fire such as oven mitts, wooden utensils, food packaging, towels or curtains, a safe distance away from the stove.
  • Maintain your smoke alarms to ensure they are working properly and in good condition.
  • Properly clean and take care of all of the vent, stovetops, counter tops and oven interiors to prevent any house fires.

What to Do If a Kitchen Fire Occurs

  • You should NOT toss water on a grease fire. If you do not have an extinguisher and a fire starts in a pan, put a lid on top of the pan to extinguish the flames.
  • In an oven fire, turn off the heat and keep the oven door closed.
  • Get out as soon as possible! Close any doors behind you to contain the fire.
  • Call 911 as soon as you can get out safely.

Typical Smoke Damage Issues Following a Home Fire

1/20/2021 (Permalink)

Addressing the aftermath of a home fire means thinking through all of the possible smoke damage that may have occurred.

When someone thinks about the potential of a home fire, their first thoughts are likely about the fire itself. From detecting the fire to calling on emergency response to evacuating loved ones and pets as quickly as possible, there is a lot to think about. The last year has proven that fires are a real threat. California has been inundated with fires throughout the state, causing irreparable damage and devastating thousands of individuals.

In Florida, wildfires are much less of a threat. However, house fires still occur much more frequently than many may imagine. From holiday celebrations to electrical issues, a fire can start at any time. While it is critical to think through a fire safety plan, many people fail to consider what to do once the fire has been contained. Smoke damage is another factor that must be taken into account when thinking about fire damage.

Smoke damage can leave a major mark after a fire is contained. The following are some of the most common issues related to smoke damage after a fire:

  • Warped wood or plastic
  • Discoloration
  • Walls stained a shade of yellow
  • Charring
  • Household textiles filled with soot
  • Ceiling stained a shade of yellow
  • Carpets, clothing, drapery, and upholstered furniture filled with smoke odor
  • Toxic air throughout the home
  • Markings of smoke odor throughout the home

Addressing the aftermath of a home fire means thinking through all of the possible smoke damage that may have occurred. While the look of the home may be top of mind, there are a number of toxins and odors that are much more important to tackle first. As such, it is critical to hire a fire restoration technician team to come take a look following a home fire.

With many years of experience in fire damage repair and smoke damage restoration, we are happy to help if you or a loved one have experienced an issue with a home fire. Call us today to learn more!

Top Causes of Home Fires Today

11/9/2020 (Permalink)

Be proactive and keep your home and your loved ones safe from a home fire.

Home fires are one of the scariest things that a family can experience. Being inherently something that people believe will never happen to them, home fires almost always catch the homeowner off-guard. Plus, families seldom have an emergency plan in place to deal with a home fire since they believe it is extremely rare. However, the National Fire Protection Association estimates that there is reportedly a new home fire every minute and a half in the United States.

While most people assume that home fires are something that rarely occurs, the statistics paint a different picture. As such, it is important to have a prevention plan to avoid putting yourself and your family in a risky situation. One of the most effective ways to prevent a home fire is to recognize the common causes. In doing so, you are able to be on the lookout and thus avoid unnecessary dangers. The following are some of the most common causes of home fires today:

  1. Electrical equipment, such as a toaster oven, can catch fire from overuse, frayed cords, or age
  2. Smoking
  3. Candles
  4. Cooking equipment can often lead to overheating and thus a fire if the cook is not paying attention or leaves the room
  5. Faulty wiring is an electrical hazard that can cause a fire
  6. Flammable liquids
  7. Dirty barbeques
  8. Lightning
  9. Curious children
  10. Circuit breakers

Making sure that the above hazards are mitigated is imperative to keeping your home safe and free from fire. In addition, it is important that you regularly check your smoke detectors and replace them when necessary. Homeowners in South Florida often neglect to check on these things until it is too late. Be proactive and keep your home and your loved ones safe from a home fire. If you have experienced fire damage, we are here to help. Contact our fire damage repair team today to learn more!

Top Risks of Starting an Accidental Home Fire

7/27/2020 (Permalink)

House fires can be started in one of two ways: either the fire is started by the heating up of combustible materials or from a chemical reaction.

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), more than 350,000 home fires occur each year in the U.S., causing around 2,000 deaths. Within seconds, an accidental house fire can rapidly spread, putting everyone and everything in the home in serious risk of immediate danger. Generally, house fires can be started in one of two ways: either the fire is started by the heating up of combustible materials or from a chemical reaction.

No matter how the fire is started, these house fires can be scary and unpredictable, so it is vital to be aware of the most common causes of a house fire and have a proper restoration plan in place.

Here are the most common risks of starting an accidental house fire:

Cooking/In the Kitchen

Without a doubt, cooking presents the highest risk of starting an accidental home fire, starting about half of all home fires. With many risks in the kitchen, fires can start from a variety of places and it important to be aware of the most common causes. For example, grease is a highly flammable material and can easily become overheated on a stove or oven.

Many kitchen fires start when someone is cooking a food that produces grease, like bacon, and leaves the food unattended, and discovers the fire when it is too late. Also, toasters, crockpots, grills, and other cooking appliances can easily catch fire if left unattended or they have a buildup of crumbs inside the appliances.

Heating Appliances

After cooking fires, heating appliances, such as space heaters are the second leading cause of residential fires. Both heaters that require fuel, which can combust if not properly maintained and electrical heaters, where electrical wires can spark a problem, are at risk of starting a fire. According to the Consumer Products Safety Commission (CPSC), heating appliances are responsible for around 25,000 home fires and more than 300 deaths in the U.S. each year. It is critical for the safety of your home to never leave the house with a heater running.


When smoking cigarettes or other flammable substances, it is important to be aware of the potential for a hazardous fire. The National Fire Protection Association reports that fires started from cigarettes cause approximately 1,000 deaths a year in the United States. Even worse, many smoking fires occur when individuals are asleep, such as a cigarette butt catching carpeting, furniture, or other flammable materials on fire.

Electrical Fires

According to the EFSi (Electrical Safety Foundation international), faulty electrical wiring is responsible for 51,000 fires and around $1.3 billion in property damage each year.  These fires are typically a result of short circuits which then spark that ignites building materials, or either from circuits that are overloaded with current, causing wires to overheat. These fires can be deadly because they often start small and in hidden locations, and build up before residents are cognizant of them.

At SERVPRO, we are the fire damage repair experts. If your home or business has sustained fire damage, we are here to help. Call us today to learn more!

Fire Demolition Services

12/17/2019 (Permalink)

Following A Fire
If your home has suffered fire damage, it could be a total loss in specific areas. While you might still want to go through these portions of your home with a professional to determine all of your options, there are circumstances in which certain conditions make conventional restoration efforts impossible. The only solution in these cases is a rebuild of the affected areas.

Our SERVPRO staff has seen significant fire damage like this to Coral Springs homes, and have experience with preparing your home for new construction. While our niche is not rebuilding your damaged home, we can help to both preserve areas that are able to be restored  as well as provide demolition services to make these irreparable portions of your house ready for the work of a residential construction contractor.

The process is most often a controlled demolition, meaning that skill and patience are paramount. Limiting total destruction of structural components wherever possible allows for new construction efforts to ultimately cost you less and to be done more quickly. Our SERVPRO professionals have the proper tools to limit the spread of the damage and to focus their entire efforts on just the portions of your home that require reconstruction. The finished product from this process leaves clean surfaces that are ready for new materials, whether this is walls of your home, your flooring, or even your roof.

The demolition process can be performed simultaneously with the restoration efforts to less critically damaged areas of your house. Choosing one restoration company prevents having to seek the services of multiple businesses, and helps to build a report between our technicians and homeowners to ensure that work happens to your exact specifications.

Demolition is unavoidable in the wake of some fires, but having the right professionals overseeing the process can mitigate your financial losses and hasten the construction to rebuild the worst of the damages. If you are dealing with the aftermath of a devastating fire, call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs today at (954) 725-6400.

Emergency Response Matters

11/13/2019 (Permalink)

Most Disasters have one thing in common: You never see them coming. Even if your business and family are well prepared for natural and man-made disasters, there is never a convenient time for a flood to pour into your home or a fire to smoke out your office. In fact, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Website, residential structure fires peak between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. during the day. But if disaster does strike your customers or yourself after regular business hours, you can’t wait until 8 a.m. the following morning to begin getting your life back on track. After the flames are extinguished, you need the restoration to begin – and you need it right away.

That’s why we at SERVPRO of East Coral Springs offer 24-hour emergency response every day of the year. We will have our trained, uniformed technician strive to be on-site within four hours of loss notification. After all, if fires and floods don’t respect the 9-to-5 workday, then why should your cleanup and restoration specialist? Timely, efficient mitigation is not only the key to restoring your family’s or your customer’s peace of mind, it can also help save damaged heirlooms, reduce downtime and lessen claims costs.

The sooner restoration and cleanup beings, the sooner you and your customers can resume your everyday lives. That’s why we make this pledge:
When fire and water take control of your life, we will help you take it back!

Children and Fire Safety

According to a study conducted by the NFPA in 2002, children playing with fires, causing more than $300 million in direct property damage. To help educate the children in your life, consider the following:

  • Roughly 66% of fires were started by matches or lighters in 2002
  • Never use matches or lighters as a source of fun in front of your children, as they may imitate your behavior.
  • Store matches and lighters out of children’s reach, preferably in a locked cabinet

When a disaster happens, call SERVPRO of East Coral Spring at 954-725-6400 where "We Are Always Here To Help"!

Fire Escape plan is needed

11/13/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs wants our community to be aware and prepare in case of a fire. Did you know only 26 percent of families have actually developed and practiced a home fire escape plan? Eighty percent of Americans don’t realize that home fires are the single most common disaster across the nation. Every two and a half hours someone is killed in a home fire. In a typical year, 20,000 people are injured in home fires. Having a working smoke alarm reduces one’s chances of dying in a fire by nearly half. Children and older adults are twice as likely to die in a home fire as the American population at large.

Here is a list to help prepare:

Install a smoke alarm on every level of your home and outside of sleeping areas.

Test smoke alarm batteries every month and change them at least once a year.

Make sure everyone in your family knows at least two ways to escape from every room of your home.

Practice your fire escape plan at least twice a year. Designate a meeting spot outside and a safe distance from your home. Make sure all family members know the meeting spot.

Have your family practice escaping from your home, practicing low crawling and at different times of the day. Make sure everyone knows how to call 9-1-1.

Consider escape ladders for sleeping areas on the second or third floor. Make sure everyone in your home learns how to use them ahead of time by reading the manufacturer’s instructions and understanding the steps to use them. Store them near the window where they will be used.

Teach your family to stop, drop to the ground, and roll if their clothes catch on fire. Practice this with your children.

Once you get out of your home, stay out under all circumstances, until a fire official gives you permission to go back inside.

Never open doors that are warm to the touch.

If smoke, heat, or flames block your exit routes, stay in the room with the door closed. If possible, place a towel under the door and call the fire department to alert them to your location in the home. Go to the window and signal for help waving a bright-colored cloth or a flashlight. Do not break the window, but open it from the top and bottom.

Fire Restoration at its best

11/8/2019 (Permalink)

This is a photo taken of a kitchen after a fire broke out in the house

Fire damage is a devastating event. Once your property has been impacted by a fire, hiring a high-quality fire damage restoration service is important. To ensure that you can get a professional service you need and deserve, browse through these tips and tricks outlined in this quick reference guide courtesy of SERVPRO.

Request a Referral From Your Insurance Company. The best way to find the ideal fire damage restoration company is through a referral. Who has dealt with these restoration companies more than your insurance company? Ask your agent or adjuster for a referral and chances are SERVPRO will be at the top of the list. Past experiences of cooperation and coordination of the fire damage restoration process make the project easier to expediently complete while keeping costs down. If a claim is involved, we can provide an estimate complying with insurance industry guidelines. This step is also advantageous because it ensures that SERVPRO and your insurance provider can work together throughout the remediation process. Less stress for you through a difficult time.

Ensure That The Fire Damage Restoration Company Can Handle Your Needs. After a house fire, water pooling from the extinguishing efforts could be causing secondary structural and furnishings damage in your home. Another step you should implement to find the right restoration services is determining whether the company can handle your specific needs. Standing water must be extracted immediately before, during, and after the assessment of damages has been provided to you, if the level of damage is extensive
• HVAC system cleaning: removal of smoke odor and soot and moisture
• Debris removal: burnt or water-logged. Cleaning of items, and possessions on location or at our headquarters. Our IICRC-certified technicians will provide you the high quality fire damage restoration services you require with empathy.
• Extensive drying: water extraction by pumps, and wet-vacs, air movers, and dehumidifiers finish the drying, then checked with meters, final documentation that the structure is dry. Help prevent mold growth.
• Structural rebuild: restore fire damaged building materials when possible, replace when necessary. Keeps the cost and repair time down. 

Once the fire in your home has been extinguished, get together with your insurance adjuster and SERVPRO. We will take the stressful burden from you and provide fair, expedient, and cost-effective results. Our goal is to get you back home as soon as possible. We will also have a final walk-through with you to ensure your complete satisfaction.

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs is always here to help!  Call 954-725-6400.

What to do after a fire

11/8/2019 (Permalink)

Your home caught fire and the fire trucks have just left. Several things are going through your head during this very confusing time. Fire damage is not what you planned on at this time in your life. You have been watching the brave men and women of the fire department work saving your home, throwing many gallons of water and foam on it. You know there is going to be trouble getting it back into shape, and you are not exactly sure of the appropriate steps to take. 

The first step to take is not to head in to start the cleanup you know needs to be done immediately. The fire department can notify the authorities that your home is now uninhabitable. There are dangers such as ceiling collapse, and walls may not be holding things up right. The floors may not be stable enough either. 

The first call you need to make, from your friend's house or your cell phone, is to your insurance company to get them started on helping you, financially. The next call should be to a fire damage restoration company like SERVPRO of East Coral Springs. We can be on site within an hour,  as we know the importance of getting started immediately to help preserve what can be saved and restore those things that can't be. 

The first thing that is noticed by anyone who can enter the house, is the smell. It is a mixture of wet things, soot, smoke and any gasses exposed because of burned synthetic materials. This bad air must be removed from the home so that our technicians can come in and get to work for your benefit. They eliminate this air by setting up large air movers or fans that can evacuate this air from the home and generate air circulation that works wonders to remove floating materials as well as the odors that you do not want to remain. 

While the air is being cleaned out, our trained, experienced personnel make a complete inspection of the house. We go into every area, after it is certified to be relatively safe, and locate destruction done by the fire, the water and locate the presence of any activated mold due to all of this moisture levels in the home. 

We remove the water and construction elements that were on fire and anything that has soaked up too much water to be useful. Dehumidifiers can be placed to help in the evaporation of the moisture left, and deodorizers also help sweeten the air a bit. 

The actual restoration is the replacing of anything that was torn out due to fire, water or mold. A complete repainting of all surfaces and a complete top to bottom cleaning and sanitizing of the entire house will be implemented as needed. There is a lot to this and a company like SERVPRO specializing in this field knows their stuff. 

If you have had fire damage call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs at (954) 725-6400 to have all of your issues addressed appropriately.


After the fire-Call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs right away

11/8/2019 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Once the fire in your home has been extinguished, get together with your insurance adjuster and SERVPRO. We will take the stressful burden from you and provide fair, expedient, and cost-effective results. Our goal is to get you back home as soon as possible. We will also have a final walk-through with you to ensure your complete satisfaction.

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs is your one-stop-shop to get your home "like it never even happened". 954-725-6400

Fire Restoration

11/4/2019 (Permalink)

Fire damage is a devastating event. Once your property has been impacted by a fire, hiring a high-quality fire damage restoration service is important. To ensure that you can get a professional service you need and deserve, browse through these tips and tricks outlined in this quick reference guide courtesy of SERVPRO.

Request a Referral From Your Insurance Company. The best way to find the ideal fire damage restoration company is through a referral. Who has dealt with these restoration companies more than your insurance company? Ask your agent or adjuster for a referral and chances are SERVPRO will be at the top of the list. Past experiences of cooperation and coordination of the fire damage restoration process make the project easier to expediently complete while keeping costs down. If a claim is involved, we can provide an estimate complying with insurance industry guidelines. This step is also advantageous because it ensures that SERVPRO and your insurance provider can work together throughout the remediation process. Less stress for you through a difficult time.

Ensure That The Fire Damage Restoration Company Can Handle Your Needs. After a house fire, water pooling from the extinguishing efforts could be causing secondary structural and furnishings damage in your home. Another step you should implement to find the right restoration services is determining whether the company can handle your specific needs. Standing water must be extracted immediately before, during, and after the assessment of damages has been provided to you, if the level of damage is extensive
• HVAC system cleaning: removal of smoke odor and soot and moisture
• Debris removal: burnt or water-logged. Cleaning of items, and possessions on location or at our headquarters. Our IICRC-certified technicians will provide you the high quality fire damage restoration services you require with empathy.
• Extensive drying: water extraction by pumps, and wet-vacs, air movers, and dehumidifiers finish the drying, then checked with meters, final documentation that the structure is dry. Help prevent mold growth.
• Structural rebuild: restore fire damaged building materials when possible, replace when necessary. Keeps the cost and repair time down. 

Once the fire in your home has been extinguished, get together with your insurance adjuster and SERVPRO. We will take the stressful burden from you and provide fair, expedient, and cost-effective results. Our goal is to get you back home as soon as possible. We will also have a final walk-through with you to ensure your complete satisfaction.

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs is always here to help!  Call 954-725-6400.

How To Prevent Grease Fires

12/19/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs Suggestions Concerning Grease Fires

Most often, grease fires happen when a pan is left on the stove unattended and for too long. Another way a grease fire can occur is when extra grease on the stove top or drip pan catches fire accidentally. Keeping these fires from happening is not hard if you stay in the kitchen while you are cooking, and take a few safety measures. A small mistake, however, can lead to the need for fire damage restoration from professionals such as SERVPRO. If the unthinkable does happen, our trained staff can help you to restore your home back to normal quickly.

Steps to Prevent Grease Fires: 
Always have a Class B Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher close at hand, under the sink base cabinet, or in another reachable place. A small investment may save you a lot of money and also mitigate dangers caused by fires. As mentioned above, stay in the kitchen at all times when you are heating oil for pan-frying or deep-fat frying to prevent a grease fire. Leaving cooking unattended in your Idaho Falls home is the biggest reason for fires in the kitchen. Before you turn the heat on, also make sure that the burner on the stove top is cool. Clean any excess oil or grease spills from the drip pan around the burner, too. 

Before you start, check out the heat ratings of the cooking oil. These indicate the maximum temperature the oil can be cooked at before it catches fire. For most vegetable oils, for example, this temperature is around 450 degrees Fahrenheit, while for animal oils this temperature is around 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Attach a thermometer to the side of the pot to keep track of the temperature of the oil. When it is close to its burning point, it will let off smoke and ruin the taste of your food. Turn off the heat if this happens, and carefully remove the pan from the burner to let it cool off. 

Be careful when you are putting food into oil that is already hot. Use long utensils like tongs which let you gently insert the food without dropping it and splashing oil on yourself. Use a cover or lid to stop hot oil from splattering. Remove the lid carefully if you do have to stir the food, and put it back when you’ve finished. Also, as soon as any food or oil spills happen, clean them up. 

If the grease does catch fire, do not ever try to move the pot or pan. Use a metal lid to cover the pan and shut off the supply of oxygen to the fire. A small fire contained inside the pan can be extinguished by putting baking soda on the fire until it burns out, but if you do not feel safe controlling it by yourself, exit the house immediately and call 911 for help. If your home does sustain fire damage, remember to give our technicians at SERVPRO a call right afterward. Remember, do not ever use water to put a grease fire out! This can cause the grease to splash and spread the fire further. 

Accidents do still happen. If you experience a grease fire in your home and need fire damage repair, contact SERVPRO of East Coral Springs right away once the fire is out. We can be reached at any time by dialing (954) 725-6400.

Fire Demolition Services

12/17/2018 (Permalink)

Demolition Services Following A Fire

If your home has suffered fire damage, it could be a total loss in specific areas. While you might still want to go through these portions of your home with a professional to determine all of your options, there are circumstances in which certain conditions make conventional restoration efforts impossible. The only solution in these cases is a rebuild of the affected areas.

Our SERVPRO staff has seen significant fire damage like this to Coral Springs homes, and have experience with preparing your home for new construction. While our niche is not rebuilding your damaged home, we can help to both preserve areas that are restorable as well as provide demolition services to make these irreparable portions of your house ready for the work of a residential construction contractor.

The process is most often a controlled demolition, meaning that skill and patience are paramount. Limiting total destruction of structural components wherever possible allows for new construction efforts to ultimately cost you less and to be done more quickly. Our SERVPRO professionals have the proper tools to limit the spread of the damage and to focus their entire efforts on just the portions of your home that require reconstruction. The finished product from this process leaves clean surfaces that are ready for new materials, whether this is walls of your home, your flooring, or even your roof.

The demolition process can be performed simultaneously with the restoration efforts to less critically damaged areas of your house. Choosing one restoration company prevents having to seek the services of multiple businesses, and helps to build a report between our technicians and homeowners to ensure that work happens to your exact specifications.

Demolition is unavoidable in the wake of some fires, but having the right professionals overseeing the process can mitigate your financial losses and hasten the construction to rebuild the worst of the damages. If you are dealing with the aftermath of a devastating fire, call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs today at (954) 725-6400.

Fire Escape Preparedness

11/20/2018 (Permalink)

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs wants our community to be aware and prepare in case of a fire. Did you know only 26 percent of families have actually developed and practiced a home fire escape plan? Eighty percent of Americans don’t realize that home fires are the single most common disaster across the nation. Every two and a half hours someone is killed in a home fire. In a typical year, 20,000 people are injured in home fires. Having a working smoke alarm reduces one’s chances of dying in a fire by nearly half. Children and older adults are twice as likely to die in a home fire as the American population at large.

Here is a list to help prepare:

Install a smoke alarm on every level of your home and outside of sleeping areas.

Test smoke alarm batteries every month and change them at least once a year.

Make sure everyone in your family knows at least two ways to escape from every room of your home.

Practice your fire escape plan at least twice a year. Designate a meeting spot outside and a safe distance from your home. Make sure all family members know the meeting spot.

Have your family practice escaping from your home, practicing low crawling and at different times of the day. Make sure everyone knows how to call 9-1-1.

Consider escape ladders for sleeping areas on the second or third floor. Make sure everyone in your home learns how to use them ahead of time by reading the manufacturer’s instructions and understanding the steps to use them. Store them near the window where they will be used.

Teach your family to stop, drop to the ground, and roll if their clothes catch on fire. Practice this with your children.

Once you get out of your home, stay out under all circumstances, until a fire official gives you permission to go back inside.

Never open doors that are warm to the touch.

If smoke, heat, or flames block your exit routes, stay in the room with the door closed. If possible, place a towel under the door and call the fire department to alert them to your location in the home. Go to the window and signal for help waving a bright-colored cloth or a flashlight. Do not break the window, but open it from the top and bottom.

Emergency Response Matters

11/19/2018 (Permalink)

Most Disasters have one thing in common: You never see them coming. Even if your business and family are well prepared for natural and man-made disasters, there is never a convenient time for a flood to pour into your home or a fire to smoke out your office. In fact, according to the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Website, residential structure fires peak between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. during the day. But if disaster does strike your customers or yourself after regular business hours, you can’t wait until 8 a.m. the following morning to begin getting your life back on track. After the flames are extinguished, you need restoration to begin – and you need it right then.

That’s why we at SERVPRO of East Coral Springs offer 24-hour emergency response every day of the year. We will have our trained, uniformed technician strive to be on-site within four hours of loss notification. After all, if fires and floods don’t respect the 9-to-5 workday, then why should your cleanup and restoration specialist? Timely, efficient mitigation I s not only the key to restoring your family’s or your customer’s peace of mind, it can also help save damaged heirlooms, reduce downtime and lessen claims costs.

The sooner restoration and cleanup beings, the sooner you and your customers can resume your everyday lives. That’s why we make this pledge:
When fire and water take control of your life, we will help you take it back!

Children and Fire Safety

According to a study conducted by the NFPA in 2002, children playing with fires, causing more than $300 million in direct property damage. To help educate the children in your life, consider the following:

  • Roughly 66% of fires were started by matches or lighters in 2002
  • Never use matches or lighters as a source of fun in front of your children, as they may imitate your behavior.
  • Store matches and lighters out of children’s reach, preferably in a locked cabinet

When a disaster happens, call SERVPRO of East Coral Spring at 954-725-6400 where "We Are Always Here To Help"!

After a Fire - Call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs

11/16/2018 (Permalink)

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Once the fire in your home has been extinguished, get together with your insurance adjuster and SERVPRO. We will take the stressful burden from you and provide fair, expedient, and cost-effective results. Our goal is to get you back home as soon as possible. We will also have a final walk-through with you to ensure your complete satisfaction.

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs is your one-stop-shop to get your home "like it never even happened". 954-725-6400

Fire Restoration

11/14/2018 (Permalink)

Fire damage is a devastating event. Once your property has been impacted by a fire, hiring a high-quality fire damage restoration service is important. To ensure that you can get a professional service you need and deserve, browse through these tips and tricks outlined in this quick reference guide courtesy of SERVPRO.

Request a Referral From Your Insurance Company. The best way to find the ideal fire damage restoration company is through a referral. Who has dealt with these restoration companies more than your insurance company? Ask your agent or adjuster for a referral and chances are SERVPRO will be at the top of the list. Past experiences of cooperation and coordination of the fire damage restoration process make the project easier to expediently complete while keeping costs down. If a claim is involved, we can provide an estimate complying with insurance industry guidelines. This step is also advantageous because it ensures that SERVPRO and your insurance provider can work together throughout the remediation process. Less stress for you through a difficult time.

Ensure That The Fire Damage Restoration Company Can Handle Your Needs. After a house fire, water pooling from the extinguishing efforts could be causing secondary structural and furnishings damage in your home. Another step you should implement to find the right restoration services is determining whether the company can handle your specific needs. Standing water must be extracted immediately before, during, and after the assessment of damages has been provided to you, if the level of damage is extensive
• HVAC system cleaning: removal of smoke odor and soot and moisture
• Debris removal: burnt or water-logged. Cleaning of items, and possessions on location or at our headquarters. Our IICRC-certified technicians will provide you the high quality fire damage restoration services you require with empathy.
• Extensive drying: water extraction by pumps, and wet-vacs, air movers, and dehumidifiers finish the drying, then checked with meters, final documentation that the structure is dry. Help prevent mold growth.
• Structural rebuild: restore fire damaged building materials when possible, replace when necessary. Keeps the cost and repair time down. 

Once the fire in your home has been extinguished, get together with your insurance adjuster and SERVPRO. We will take the stressful burden from you and provide fair, expedient, and cost-effective results. Our goal is to get you back home as soon as possible. We will also have a final walk-through with you to ensure your complete satisfaction.

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs is always here to help!  Call 954-725-6400.

What To Do After A Fire

11/14/2018 (Permalink)

Your home caught fire and the fire trucks have just left. Several things are going through your head during this very confusing time. Fire damage is not what you planned on at this time in your life. You have been watching the brave men and women of the fire department work saving your home, throwing many gallons of water and foam on it. You know there is going to be trouble getting it back into shape, and you are not exactly sure of the appropriate steps to take. 

The first step to take is not to head in to start the cleanup you know needs to be done immediately. The fire department can notify the authorities that your home is now uninhabitable. There are dangers such as ceilings may be coming down, and walls might not be up to the job of holding things up right. The floors may not be stable enough either. 

The first call you need to make, from your friend's house or your cell phone, is to your insurance company to get them started on helping you, financially. The next call should be to a fire damage restoration company like SERVPRO. We can come running as we know the importance of getting started immediately to help preserve what can be saved and restore those things that can't be. 

The first thing that is noticed, by anyone who can enter the house, is the smell. It is a mixture of wet things, soot, smoke and any gasses exposed because of burned synthetic materials. This bad air must be removed from the home so that our technicians can come in and get to work for your benefit. They eliminate this air by setting up large air movers or fans that can evacuate this air from the home and generate air circulation that works wonders to remove floating materials as well as the odors that you do not want to remain. 

While the air is being cleaned out, our trained, experienced personnel make a complete inspection of the house. We go into every area, after it is certified to be relatively safe, and locate destruction done by the fire, the water and locate the presence of any activated mold due to all of this moisture in the house. 

We remove the water and construction elements that were on fire and anything that has soaked up too much water to be useful. Dehumidifiers can be placed to help in the evaporation of the moisture left, and deodorizers also help sweeten the air a bit. 

The actual restoration is the replacing of anything that was torn out due to fire, water or mold. A complete repainting of all surfaces and a complete top to bottom cleaning and sanitizing of the entire house will be implemented as needed. There is a lot to this and a company like SERVPRO specializing in this field knows their stuff. 

If you have had fire damage call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs at (954) 725-6400 to have all of your issues addressed appropriately.


Preventing a Grease Fire In Coral Springs

12/20/2017 (Permalink)

In this picture you can see this home had a serious kitchen fire.

SERVPRO Suggestions Concerning Grease Fires

Most often, grease fires happen when a pan is left on the stove unattended and for too long. Another way a grease fire can occur is when extra grease on the stove top or drip pan catches fire accidentally. Keeping these fires from happening is not hard if you stay in the kitchen while you are cooking, and take a few safety measures. A small mistake, however, can lead to the need for fire damage restoration from professionals such as SERVPRO. If the unthinkable does happen, our trained staff can help you to restore your home back to normal quickly.

Steps to Prevent Grease Fires 
Always have a Class B Dry Chemical Fire Extinguisher close at hand, under the sink base cabinet, or in another reachable place. A small investment may save you a lot of money and also mitigate dangers caused by fires. As mentioned above, stay in the kitchen at all times when you are heating oil for pan-frying or deep-fat frying to prevent a grease fire. Leaving cooking unattended in your Idaho Falls home is the biggest reason for fires in the kitchen. Before you turn the heat on, also make sure that the burner on the stove top is cool. Clean any excess oil or grease spills from the drip pan around the burner, too. 

Before you start, check out the heat ratings of the cooking oil. These indicate the maximum temperature the oil can be cooked at before it catches fire. For most vegetable oils, for example, this temperature is around 450 degrees Fahrenheit, while for animal oils this temperature is around 375 degrees Fahrenheit. Attach a thermometer to the side of the pot to keep track of the temperature of the oil. When it is close to its burning point, it will let off smoke and ruin the taste of your food. Turn off the heat if this happens, and carefully remove the pan from the burner to let it cool off. 

Be careful when you are putting food into oil that is already hot. Use long utensils like tongs which let you gently insert the food without dropping it and splashing oil on yourself. Use a cover or lid to stop hot oil from splattering. Remove the lid carefully if you do have to stir the food, and put it back when you’ve finished. Also, as soon as any food or oil spills happen, clean them up. 

If the grease does catch fire, do not ever try to move the pot or pan. Use a metal lid to cover the pan and shut off the supply of oxygen to the fire. A small fire contained inside the pan can be extinguished by putting baking soda on the fire until it burns out, but if you do not feel safe controlling it by yourself, exit the house immediately and call 911 for help. If your home does sustain fire damage, remember to give our technicians at SERVPRO a call right afterward. Remember, do not ever use water to put a grease fire out! This can cause the grease to splash and spread the fire further. 

Accidents do still happen. If you experience a grease fire in your home and need fire damage repair, contact SERVPRO of East Coral Springs right away once the fire is out. We can be reached at any time by dialing (954) 725-6400

When Coral Springs Homes Require Demolition Services After A Fire

12/18/2017 (Permalink)

This is a picture of a home that needs demolition services after a fire.

Demolition Services Following A Fire

When the fire is bad enough to your Coral Springs home, there could be total losses in specific areas. While you might still want to go through these portions of your home with a professional to determine all of your options, there are circumstances in which certain conditions make conventional restoration efforts impossible. The only solution in these cases is a rebuild of the affected areas.

Our SERVPRO staff has seen significant fire damage like this to Coral Springs homes, and have experience with preparing your home for new construction. While our niche is not rebuilding your damaged home, we can help to both preserve areas that are restorable as well as provide demolition services to make these irreparable portions of your house ready for the work of a residential construction contractor.

The process is most often a controlled demolition, meaning that skill and patience are paramount. Limiting total destruction of structural components wherever possible allows for new construction efforts to ultimately cost you less and to be done more quickly. Our SERVPRO professionals have the proper tools to limit the spread of the damage and to focus their entire efforts on just the portions of your home that require reconstruction. The finished product from this process leaves clean surfaces that are ready for new materials, whether this is walls of your home, your flooring, or even your roof.

The demolition process can be performed simultaneously with the restoration efforts to less critically damaged areas of your house. Choosing one restoration company prevents having to seek the services of multiple businesses, and helps to build a report between our technicians and homeowners to ensure that work happens to your exact specifications.

Demolition is unavoidable in the wake of some fires, but having the right professionals overseeing the process can mitigate your financial losses and hasten the construction to rebuild the worst of the damages. If you are dealing with the aftermath of a devastating fire, call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs today at (954) 725-6400.

Fire Escape Planning

11/27/2017 (Permalink)

Always make sure you have a fire escape plan for your family.

Only 26 percent of families have actually developed and practiced a home fire escape plan. Eighty percent of Americans don’t realize that home fires are the single most common disaster across the nation. Every two and a half hours someone is killed in a home fire. In a typical year, 20,000 people are injured in home fires. Having a working smoke alarm reduces one’s chances of dying in a fire by nearly half. Children and older adults are twice as likely to die in a home fire as the American population at large.

Here is a list to help prepare

Install a smoke alarm on every level of your home and outside of sleeping areas.

Test smoke alarm batteries every month and change them at least once a year.

Make sure everyone in your family knows at least two ways to escape from every room of your home.

Practice your fire escape plan at least twice a year. Designate a meeting spot outside and a safe distance from your home. Make sure all family members know the meeting spot.

Have your family practice escaping from your home, practicing low crawling and at different times of the day. Make sure everyone knows how to call 9-1-1.

Consider escape ladders for sleeping areas on the second or third floor. Make sure everyone in your home learns how to use them ahead of time by reading the manufacturer’s instructions and understanding the steps to use them. Store them near the window where they will be used.

Teach your family to stop, drop to the ground, and roll if their clothes catch on fire. Practice this with your children.

Once you get out of your home, stay out under all circumstances, until a fire official gives you permission to go back inside.

Never open doors that are warm to the touch.

If smoke, heat, or flames block your exit routes, stay in the room with the door closed. If possible, place a towel under the door and call the fire department to alert them to your location in the home. Go to the window and signal for help waving a bright-colored cloth or a flashlight. Do not break the window, but open it from the top and bottom.

Smoke and Soot Clean up

11/20/2017 (Permalink)

The soot on these cabinet doors will be easily removed by SERVPRO technicians

Smoke and soot is very invasive and can penetrate various cavities within your home, causing hidden damage and odor. Our smoke damage expertise and experience allows us to inspect and accurately assess the extent of the damage to develop a comprehensive plan of action.  

Smoke and soot facts:

  • Hot smoke migrates to cooler areas and upper levels of a structure.
  • Smoke flows around plumbing systems, seeping through the holes used by pipes to go from floor to floor.
  • The type of smoke may greatly affect the restoration process.

Once the fire in your home has been extinguished, get together with your insurance adjuster and SERVPRO. We will take the stressful burden from you and provide fair, expedient, and cost-effective results. Our goal is to get you back home as soon as possible. We will also have a final walk-through with you to ensure your complete satisfaction.

The steps to follow in case of a fire

11/17/2017 (Permalink)

If you have fire damage call 954-725-6400 to have damage cleaned and restored

Call SERVPRO to Restore the Fire Damage to Your  Property

Your home has been on fire, and the fire trucks have just left. Several things are going through your head during this very confusing time. Fire damage is not what you planned on at this time in your life. You have been watching the brave men and women of the fire department work saving your home, throwing many gallons of water and foam on it. You know there is going to be trouble getting it back into shape, and you are not exactly sure of the appropriate steps to take. 

The first step to take is not to head in to start the cleanup you know needs to be done immediately. The fire department can notify the authorities that your home is now uninhabitable. There are dangers such as ceilings may be coming down, and walls might not be up to the job of holding things up right. The floors may not be stable enough either. 

The first call you need to make, from your friend's house or your cell phone, is to your insurance company to get them started on helping you, financially. The next call should be to a fire damage restoration company like SERVPRO. We can come running as we know the importance of getting started immediately to help preserve what can be saved and restore those things that can't be. 

The first thing that is noticed, by anyone who can enter the house, is the smell. It is a mixture of wet things, soot, smoke and any gasses exposed because of burned synthetic materials. This bad air must be removed from the home so that our technicians can come in and get to work for your benefit. They eliminate this air by setting up large air movers or fans that can evacuate this air from the home and generate air circulation that works wonders to remove floating materials as well as the odors that you do not want to remain. 

While the air is being cleaned out, our trained, experienced personnel make a complete inspection of the house. We go into every area, after it is certified to be relatively safe, and locate destruction done by the fire, the water and locate the presence of any activated mold due to all of this moisture in the house. 

We remove the water and construction elements that were on fire and anything that has soaked up too much water to be useful. Dehumidifiers can be placed to help in the evaporation of the moisture left, and deodorizers also help sweeten the air a bit. 

The actual restoration is the replacing of anything that was torn out due to fire, water or mold. A complete repainting of all surfaces and a complete top to bottom cleaning and sanitizing of the entire house will be implemented as needed. There is a lot to this and a company like SERVPRO specializing in this field knows their stuff. 

If you have had fire damage call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs at (954) 725-6400 to have all of your issues addressed appropriately.


Fire Damage Insurance and Restoration

11/16/2017 (Permalink)

Another kitchen saved awesome job

Fire damage in East Coral Springs can be a devastating event. Once your property has been impacted by a fire, hiring a high-quality fire damage restoration service is important. To ensure that you can get a professional service you need and deserve, browse through these tips and tricks outlined in this quick reference guide courtesy of SERVPRO.

Request a Referral From Your Insurance Company. The best way to find the ideal fire damage restoration company is through a referral. Who has dealt with these restoration companies more than your insurance company? Ask your agent or adjuster for a referral and chances are SERVPRO will be at the top of the list. Past experiences of cooperation and coordination of the fire damage restoration process make the project easier to expediently complete while keeping costs down. If a claim is involved, we can provide an estimate complying with insurance industry guidelines. This step is also advantageous because it ensures that SERVPRO and your insurance provider can work together throughout the remediation process. Less stress for you through a difficult time.

Ensure That The Fire Damage Restoration Company Can Handle Your Needs. After a house fire, water pooling from the extinguishing efforts could be causing secondary structural and furnishings damage in yourEast Coral Springs home. Another step you should implement to find the right restoration services is determining whether the company can handle your specific needs. Standing water must be extracted immediately before, during, and after the assessment of damages has been provided to you, if the level of damage is extensive
• HVAC system cleaning: removal of smoke odor and soot and moisture
• Debris removal: burnt or water-logged. Cleaning of items, and possessions on location or at our headquarters. Our IICRC-certified technicians will provide you the high quality fire damage restoration services you require with empathy.
• Extensive drying: water extraction by pumps, and wet-vacs, air movers, and dehumidifiers finish the drying, then checked with meters, final documentation that the structure is dry. Help prevent mold growth.
• Structural rebuild: restore fire damaged building materials when possible, replace when necessary. Keeps the cost and repair time down. 

Once the fire in your home in East Coral Springs has been extinguished, get together with your insurance adjuster and SERVPRO. We will take the stressful burden from you and provide fair, expedient, and cost-effective results. Our goal is to get you back home as soon as possible. We will also have a final walk-through with you to ensure your complete satisfaction.

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs is always here to help!  Call 954-725-6400.