Recent Commercial Posts

Does Your Commercial Business Have an Emergency Ready Profile?

6/5/2022 (Permalink)

It's important to have a plan when emergencies arise! Whether it's a water leak, fire, flood, or storm event, SERVPRO of East Coral Springs can help!

No matter what size business you operate, handling an unexpected disaster can be chaotic. Being physically present at your business 24/7 for emergencies is nearly impossible. That's why SERVPRRO of East Coral Springs offers complimentary Emergency Ready Profile (ERP), specifically for your business, that provides valuable information needed during emergency situations whether you're there or not.  

To develop an ERP, SERVPRO of East Coral Springs will conduct a site visit and create a custom document with your building specifications.  Square footage, access points, and emergency contacts are notated. The locations of shut-offs for gas, water, and electricity are documented and photographed.  This way if your business suddenly has a water leak, quick access to the shutoffs can be found and the damages will be minimized. 

Your company will get a hard copy ERP report to keep on-site. You and your employees can download the free ERP app where your emergency information can be stored. This gives you quick access at your fingertips.

If you experience a fire, water, or mold problem, you and your staff can open the app, click the icon for your emergency, and fast track your way to getting help from SERVPRO of East Coral Springs. Emergencies are unplanned! Call us to day for your ERP.  

Call 954-406-7771

Commercial Buildings and Mold Concerns

3/1/2022 (Permalink)

Improper maintenance in a commercial building can lead to mold growth.

Are you concerned about indoor exposure to mold in a Commercial Building? 

Building managers, custodians, and others who are responsible for commercial building and school maintenance should use this reference for potential mold and moisture remediators.

 Mold can be found almost anywhere; it can grow on virtually any organic substance, as long as moisture and oxygen are present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods, and insulation. When excessive moisture accumulates in buildings or on building materials, mold growth will often occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains undiscovered or unaddressed. It's impossible to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment. However, mold growth can be controlled indoors by controlling moisture indoors.

All molds have the potential to cause health effects

All molds have the potential to cause health effects. Possible health concerns are an important reason to prevent mold growth and to remediate/clean up any existing indoor mold growth.

Since mold requires water to grow, it is important to prevent moisture problems in buildings. Moisture problems can have many causes, including uncontrolled humidity. Moisture problems may include roof leaks, landscaping or gutters, or delayed maintenance.  


Moisture problems in portable classrooms and other temporary structures have frequently been associated with mold problems. 

Remediation should be done immediately. Call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs at 954-406-7771 

Ways for Small Businesses to Engage With the Local Community

10/11/2021 (Permalink)

Small businesses are crucial to the culture and the economy of a local community. Since founders are usually native to the area, small businesses have a unique opportunity to truly understand their consumer and help improve the quality of their lives. This can serve a mutually beneficial relationship: small businesses can engage with their local communities and, in return, the communities can choose to support the small business.

Here are some of the best ways for small businesses to connect with their community members:

Participate in Local Events

Most local community is have some type of parades or festivals to bring everyone together. It is a great idea to attend these festivals and get to know some of your fellow community members. If it's an option, setting up a tent or booth at a preexisting community festival is a great way to gain brand recognition. If not, it is still very beneficial to even just walk around and meet new people.

Give Back Through Volunteering

Volunteering at a local charity or organization is always a good way to give back to the local community. While free time might be scarce, by volunteering you can benefit a good cause and meet more members of the community. It's a great idea to bring your team members together to volunteer, and you can even promote your brand while helping out in the world.

Sponsor Sports Teams or School Activities

There are usually many opportunities to sponsor local sports teams or other school extracurricular activities. Most local sponsorships will not break the bank, and you can make a difference in the lives of students by financing the activities they enjoy most.

Join the Community Board

Although you may not be aware of it at all times, there is a very high probability that your community has some sort of local community board in which you can become a member. Joining one of these community boards can be a great way to really understand the problems that are facing your community, network with other business owners in the area, and make a difference by supporting your community.

Hold Public Events

Another great way to network in the community is too have public events in the area. Depending on your space and the goals of your business, you can host your own event for brand exposure and community involvement. Some examples of events include auctions, fundraisers, or even just networking events.

Reward Loyal Fans

More often than not, your most loyal fans are the ones that are located right in your community. To show your appreciation for these customers, you could hold exclusive giveaways or sales for your local fans.

No matter how you choose to do so, engaging with and supporting your local community is paramount for local business owners. At SERVPRO, we are dedicated to leading and serving our community in a variety of ways. It is an honor and a privilege to be so involved in our South Florida community.

How Small Businesses Should Engage with their Community

8/15/2021 (Permalink)

At SERVPRO, we understand the role that we play in our community and take a deep pride in serving our South Florida family.

Owning and operating a small business in South Florida is a very special privilege. As a tightknit community, the ability to engage with local people allows for everyone to thrive. Small businesses are the lifeline of Broward County, contributing to the economy and the overall sense of togetherness. The pandemic has highlighted just how important it is for communities to unite during challenging times. At SERVPRO, we understand the role that we play in our community and take a deep pride in serving our South Florida family.

Business owners have undoubtedly struggled over the last couple of years. COVID-19 has presented unique obstacles that seemed almost insurmountable. These moments have reminded everyone that community is critical during good times and bad. As such, it is important that business owners constantly look for ways to engage with their community. In doing so, they are able to withstand difficult times by interacting with past customers and attracting new ones.

The following are some important tips for small business owners to keep in mind when it comes to engaging with their local community:

  • Establish a referral program that encourages current customers to reach out to their networks to bring in new prospects
  • Promote a loyalty system where customers are offered incentives for repeat purchases
  • Consider throwing an in-store celebration for your most loyal customers
  • Partner with a likeminded business in the local community and host an event that cross-promotes both companies
  • Choose a charity that represents your company’s values and sponsor an event
  • Be proactive on social media – respond to praise with appreciation and make sure to address any complains head-on

Many small businesses in South Florida are struggling right now. While the pandemic continues to linger on it is essential that companies get creative in their efforts to stay afloat. When a community leans on each other everyone wins. Whether you decide to sponsor a local charity, establish a referral program, or any of the other recommendations, be sure to take active measures now to put your company in a position to win. As always, we are honored to serve our local community and look forward to the opportunity to build even more relationships in the future.

Keeping Sales Up in South Florida During Summer Months

6/11/2021 (Permalink)

While the summer in Florida may be the slow season for businesses, there are many ways to keep your customers involved and prepare for their return in

Although snowbird season in Florida may come with its drawbacks for local residents, there is no doubt that business is booming during the South Florida winter months. For many small business’ owners, they generate 80% of their revenue during the months of November, December, January, February, when many northerners seek to escape the winter and settle into the Florida sun.

While this major increase in revenue doing the winter months is great, it is usually not enough to sustain a business year-round. It is crucial for small business owners in South Florida to have a game plain to deal with how to keep up sales in the summer months and use this time to their advantage.

Here are some tips to keep your business busy in the off season:

Improve Your Business Models

Is there any task that you’ve been putting off? Maybe a new website or HR organization? The off season can be a great time to accomplish any duties that have been sitting on your to do list. The slower months during the summer is the perfect time to make any changes without disrupting your busy workflow.

Additionally, you can take advantage of the time off to analyze the strength and weakness of your business in order to evaluate what you could be doing better. You can critically look at your performance during the busier months to see if there is any friction or roadblocks that could improve company performance. Use your slow summers to try and implement any new strategies.

Try Different Marketing Tactics

A potential off-season strategy can be to try and focus on how to target and new customers. During this time, you have nothing to lose by experimenting with a new marketing strategy! The summer is a great opportunity to focus on low cost marketing methods, such as developing a new email campaign or building up a new social media channel. This help you stay on your customers radar during the summer months.

Develop a loyalty program

To reward repeat customers, a loyalty program can be a great tactic to keep people coming back. Your loyal customers should receive special treatment, helping them to stay loyal. Even better, these customers can serve as free word of mouth marketing if they share their products with friends and family.  Statistics have constantly proven that it is easier to sell to a returning customer than acquire a new one. Develop a program that provides your customer real value while also showing how much you value them.

Create and Promote a Blog

Blogs can be enjoyed from anywhere, regardless of the on or off season. With a blog, you should provide your consumers useful information that is relevant to your product or industry. This can be a very beneficial way to educate your consumers and keep them engaged during the summer months.

While the summer in Florida may be the slow season for businesses, there are many ways to keep your customers involved and prepare for their return in the winter!

Keeping Your Employees and Customers Safe

3/25/2021 (Permalink)

The safety of employees and customers is extremely important, during COVID-19 and beyond.

As a small business owner, it is very important to keep the safety of your employees and customers a top priority. Some of the most common workplace incidents include slip-and-fall accidents, premise liabilities, equipment accidents, or an employee or visitor injuring another person. While is it always possible that accidents can happen, mitigating potential risks beforehand can greatly reduce the chances of an incident occurring.

Here are some tips to make sure everyone on your property is safe and sound.

Constantly inspect your premises and be on the lookout for hazards

The best way to prevent any injuries or accidents from occurring is minimizing any hazards in the workspace. To do this, inspections should be conducted regularly, on either a weekly or monthly basis. It is also a good idea to preform random inspections to see how the workplace runs on the day to day.

Maintain all tools and equipment

Any faulty or poorly maintained equipment can be a potential risk in the workplace. If a piece of equipment breaks down, it can put many people in harm’s way. All tools and equipment should be cleaned and tested regularly to ensure they are functioning property and can be replaced if need be.

Keep record of inspections and repairs

It is very important to document all inspections, repairs, and incident investigations. If there is a repeated incident, you will be able to dig to the root of the problem and correct it. Also, if an accident does occur, it is important to have all of your records in order.

Post warning signs

If there happens to be any unsafe conditions in the workplace, there should be signage to indicate this to employees and customers. A simple example of this is placing a “wet floor sign” to an area that was recently mopped to prevent anyone tripping.

Safety during the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has reshaped the way business function. Here are some of the most common ways to keep your employees and customers safe:

  • Keep a clean environment and perform routine sanitization. All frequently touches surfaces such as workstations, countertops, handrails, and doorknobs should be frequently cleaned and disinfected. If possible, reduce the need for shared equipment.
  • Promote practices sanitary practices like frequent handwashing and provide either soap and water or hand sanitizer for all employees and customers.
  • Require everyone to wear a mask or face covering over their mouth and nose.
  • Encourage workers to stay at home if they are sick and ensure that sick leave policies are flexible and consistent with public health guidelines.
  • Create a plan to minimize face-to-face contact between both employees and customers. Actively encourage flexible work arrangements such as teleworking or staggered shifts.
  • Develop policies and procedures for employees to report when they are sick or experiencing symptoms of COVID-19.

The safety of employees and customers is extremely important, during COVID-19 and beyond.

Workplace Safety Tips for Your Business

1/4/2021 (Permalink)

Employers have a great responsibility when it comes to keeping their workplace safe.

Owning a company is a huge responsibility. From serving your community to keeping your staff happy and productive, there is a lot of weight on the business owner’s shoulders. As an employee or an employer, workplace safety is something that should always be top of mind. Unfortunately, the daily stresses and pressures to achieve tasks often puts safety measures on the backburner. No matter what industry your company is in, there are a number of critical measures that must be taken to ensure a safe working environment for both patrons and staff.

On-the-job accidents and injuries occur far more often than many would think. What is worse is that many of them are entirely preventable, given the correct workplace safety protocols. Setting specific, tested safety standards and regulations is critical to keeping employees and customers happy and safe. But it is not only important that these measures be in place, they must be adequately communicated to everyone who works in the organization.

Identifying and understanding the most common safety hazards as well as unsafe practices is the first step to reducing risk. When employees understand the potential of what could happen, they are more likely to conduct themselves in a safe way to avoid risk. The following are some of the most common workplace safety tips to share throughout your company:

  • Everyone must be aware of their surroundings at all times
  • When necessary, safety equipment must be worn regularly and correctly
  • No shortcuts can be taken when it comes to safety procedures
  • Machines and tools must be operated only by trained employees
  • Breaks must be taken throughout the day by every employee
  • If there is an unsafe working condition, someone in management must be informed immediately
  • All emergency exits must be clear
  • The entire staff must be versed whenever there are updates to safety procedures

Employers have a great responsibility when it comes to keeping their workplace safe. Regular communication, proper safety protocols, and a shared understanding is essential to keeping everyone safe and comfortable in their working environment. Workplace hazards are inevitable, but working as a team to identify and avoid them safeguards the company, its people, and its reputation.

Building a Community Around Your Local Business

10/26/2020 (Permalink)

The ability to build a loyal community around your brand will prove instrumental this year and in the years to come.

Being a local, small business owner is hard. If the last several months have taught us anything, it is that building a strong, local community to support your brand is absolutely essential to maintaining a thriving business. No one could have predicted the ramifications that have come and will continue to come in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, business owners throughout South Florida have been tasked with reevaluating their companies in a number of ways.

First and foremost, local business owners have been forced to take a hard look at their business model. What is working right? What can be adapted to sustain these difficult times? How can the company operate in a leaner manner to keep costs as low as possible? These questions are incredibly important to answer. In addition, however, business owners have been forced to think deeply about their customer base, their lifeline. What are you doing to build a true community around your brand?

Today, we highlight some important tips that business owners can utilize in building a local community of their own:

  • Make sure that your storefront is inviting for customers, consider adding an inspirational quote or even a daily joke as these things will engage foot traffic prospects and loyal customers
  • Launch a loyalty program that rewards repeat customers and incentivizes new customers to make purchases
  • Team up with a local charity by sponsoring an event
  • Create an online community by utilizing your social media platforms to communicate with your local prospects and customers
  • Consider partnering up with another business that is complementary to your own
  • Make sure that everyone on your internal team understands your brand persona and exemplifies that in each and every engagement
  • Offer value to customers and prospects by educating them in your respective field

South Florida business owners have all been struggling this year. The ability to build a loyal community around your brand will prove instrumental this year and in the years to come. No matter what industry your business may fall into, connecting with customers and prospects on a human level is critical to overall business success.

How To Prepare Your Business for Hurricane Season

7/10/2020 (Permalink)

The top 4 vital steps to ensure the safety of your business during a tropical storm or hurricane.

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), “almost 40-60 percent of small businesses never reopen their doors following a disaster.” Knowing the necessary steps to prepare your business for a natural disaster and staying up to date with the most recent safety measures is essential for any successful company.

Unlike other natural disasters, there is usually time to prepare before a hurricane or tropical storm reaches land. Having a plan set for when disaster strikes can ensure your business will remain prosperous.

1. Create an comprehensive emergency plan before the storm

The most crucial time to prepare for a natural disaster is before it is an imminent threat. By thinking through hard decisions that need to be made in case of a storm before it actually happens, you will be able to use clear thinking and judgment to decide.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires business to have an Emergency Action Plan (EAP) and this plan should cover any precautions related to hurricanes and tropical storms. This hurricane survival plan should be updated annually to ensure its accuracy. As recommended by the OSHA, this plan should include:

  • Under what weather conditions will the plan be activated, like certain time intervals (when the storm is 96 hours from impact, 72 hours, 48 hours, 36 hours, 24 hours, etc) that will require certain actions.
  • The chain of command
  • Detailed evacuation procedures, including routes and exits
  • Procedures for accounting for personnel, customers and visitors
  • Equipment for on-site personnel
  • Emergency functions and the employees that will perform them (like who is allowed to check on the worksite after the storm)

2. Determine individual crisis management roles and prepare employees.

Knowing which employees are designed to each task will avoid any confusion of responsibilities and ensure things run smoothly. It is important to identify which employees are essential for the function of the business and which ones will be requires to be on site. Every employee should be well aware of the plan and understand their expectations, so no one is taken by surprise.

3. Coordinate with local partners

Being aware of the plans of other local businesses, as well as the local police department, fire department, hospitals, and utilities providers can be very beneficial. While some business partners may also be preparing for the storm as well, some suppliers and shippers may be unaware of the threat and should be updated on how it will indirectly affect them.

4. Review the plan every year

Certain changes to your business or community may affect your hurricane response and it is important that these be taken into account. Your business should not neglect your emergency action plan until emergency strikes - it is vital to be constantly updating and reviewing the response.

While it may be impossible to avoid a hurricane, following these steps can mitigate any damage and ensure a successful future.

Commercial Duct Cleaning

12/17/2019 (Permalink)

Why Clean Air Ducts?

Answer: Because they get dirty!

In addition to normal accumulations of dust and dirt found in all homes with air ducts, there are several other factors that can increase the need for regular HVAC system cleaning:

  • pets
  • occupants with allergies or asthma
  • cigarette or cigar smoke
  • water contamination or damage to the home or HVAC system
  • home renovation or remodeling projects

Some occupants are more sensitive to these contaminants than others. Allergy and asthma sufferers, as well as young children and the elderly tend to be more susceptible to the types of poor indoor air quality that air duct cleaning can help address.

Top Benefits of HVAC Cleaning

NADCA’s rule of thumb for consumers is that “if your air ducts look dirty, they probably are,” and that dirty HVAC systems should be inspected by a reputable, certified HVAC professional. Below are some other reasons homeowners choose to have their air ducts cleaned.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality is one concern that homeowners have when they decide to investigate air duct cleaning. Your heating and cooling system are the lungs of your home. The system takes air in and breathes air out.

Through normal occupation in a home, we generate a great deal of contaminants and air pollutants, such as dander, dust, and chemicals. These contaminants are pulled into the HVAC system and re-circulated 5 to 7 times per day, on average. Over time, this re-circulation causes a build-up of contaminants in the duct work.

While dirty ducts don’t necessarily mean unhealthy air in your home, school or workplace, they may be contributing to larger health issues or harboring contaminants that could cause serious problems for people with respiratory health conditions, autoimmune disorders or some environmental allergies.

Energy Savings

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 25 to 40 percent of the energy used for heating or cooling a home is wasted. Contaminants in the heating and cooling system cause it to work harder and shorten the life of your system. Although filters are used, the heating and cooling system can still get dirty through normal use.

When an HVAC system is clean, it doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain the temperature you desire. As a result, less energy is used, leading to improved cost-effectiveness.

Call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs at 954-725-6400 for a free estimate.

Preventing A/C Leaks in your Business

11/19/2019 (Permalink)

When you are running a business, proper maintenance of your HVAC system is important to keep your business running smoothly. Leaks in your air conditioning system can be frustrating. They are not only messy but can cause significant damage to your business and your inventory. SERVPRO of East Coral Springs can help if you have such a disaster, and we work fast to help prevent more damage.

There are different issues which can cause your central AC system to leak and the need for water removal to your business . A clogged condensate drain pipe causes the drain pan to overflow. Water leakage from an HVAC system can cause drain lines to be clogged with rust, algae, dirt, and other debris.

Drain pipe fittings could be insecure if your AC system was not installed properly. They can loosen over time, causing the drain pipe to disconnect and let the condensate drain onto the floor or through the ceiling.

Another problem is a dirty or malfunctioning condensation pump. Leakage from your system can flood your business, and with the continual presence of water, mildew and mold can grow inside the AC unit, causing it clog.

Our SERVPRO of East Coal Springs technicians can help you remove the standing water in a case like this, dry the affected area out thoroughly with the use of commercial dehumidifiers and fans, and check for any hidden mold damage. We ensure the area is dry and clean again before we are finished.

Other potential causes for water leakage from your AC unit include low refrigerant, a clogged air filter, no p-trap and air vent in the drain like to stop a water backup, a condensate drain pan which is cracked, and condensate buildup in duct work, which is not insulated. Regular maintenance can help prevent these problems.

Call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs for a free duct cleaning estimate at 954-725-6400.

Commercial Water Damage

11/13/2019 (Permalink)

Water damage events in commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response.

Our IICRC Certified Technicians will answer your questions and put your mind at ease.  Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

The goal of services is to dry your business as soon as possible.  SERVPRO of East Coral Springs professional services utilize powerful equipment to extract the water to assist in the drying process. SERVPRO of East Coral Springs powerful fans are used thoroughly dry out the space. Dehumidifiers are placed to remove moisture in the air.  Our Technicians monitor the drying process until moisture levels return to normal. This ensures that all signs of moisture are removed from the business before the repair work begins.

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs is "Always Here to Help"!  954-725-6400

How to protect your business

11/13/2019 (Permalink)

Owning and operating a commercial property is stressful. South Florida business owners understand how quickly a commercial property can go from up and running smoothly to suffering badly from any disruption of business as usual.  As such, protecting your commercial property from water damage is essential to maintaining your business goals, keeping profits up, and making sure that your employees and customers are happy and satisfied with your business operations.

There are a million different things on your mind as a business owner and keeping up with water damage prevention may be on the bottom of your to do list. However, failing to plan can result in lost business, dissatisfied customers and work force, and a damaging reputation that may be impossible to come back from. Whether you delegate the commercial water damage planning process to someone else on your team or you take it upon yourself to get it done, thinking through a myriad of “what if” scenarios is critical to keeping your business afloat during trying times and unexpected natural disasters.

First and foremost, your business must establish emergency procedures during a storm. Who is responsible for what tasks? What if a storm is coming and the business is closed that day? Which staff members are on call for last minute preparations? Are all of your data and important documents backed up somewhere? Who has access to this information? Have you had a full inspection of the interior and exterior of your business in the event that damages are suffered? Are there any leaks or cracks in the windows, doors, or walls that need to be addressed? Is your plumbing up-to-date and effective? If these questions are overwhelming you, it’s time to create a plan before it’s too late.

Don’t panic! Efficient and effective planning now can be done with organization, dedication, and professional assistance. The team at SERVPRO of East Coral Springs specializes in commercial property water damage cleanup and restoration. We understand how important your business is to you and your family and our staff of highly-trained commercial restoration specialists are here to help!

Tips to prevent Mold Growth at your Business

11/13/2019 (Permalink)

Why should you worry about mold in your building? According to OSHA, some mold, over time, may cause structural damage to wood along with damage to furnishings and finishes. Additionally, if left unchecked, some types of mold have strong odors and may trigger allergic reactions or irritate existing respiratory conditions in some people.

Mold can grow anywhere with enough moisture and organic material. Use the following tips to help prevent mold growth in your business.

Tip #1: Clean Out the Refrigerator

It can be difficult to keep track of shared refrigerators. Some people will always remember to clear out their leftovers, others won’t. Old food storage containers are a perfect breeding ground for mold. Over time, mold can travel to the shelving and even outside the refrigerator.

Consider instituting an office refrigerator policy. If something is left in the fridge by a certain time each week, it goes in the garbage.

Tip #2: Look for And Repair Leaks

Leaks from plumbing, windows, roofs, and more can lead to significant water damage in your business as well as an increased risk of mold growth. If you aren’t regularly inspecting your property, it’s easy for these leaks to go unchecked until they create a larger, more costly problem.

Watch for telltale signs of a leak such as lower water pressure; wet spots on the floors, ceilings, or walls; and condensation around window sills and in attic spaces.

Tip #3: Keep It Clean

It’s easy for anyone to get caught up in work and let clutter take over his or her work space. However, clutter creates lots of hiding spots for crumbs and dust, which are both great food sources for mold. Make sure to clear the clutter and wipe down hard surfaces regularly. Make sure to promptly clean all spills as well.

Clean and sanitize break rooms and bathrooms frequently. Both rooms provide ample opportunity for mold growth. These rooms should be cleaned at least weekly depending on how regularly people use each room.

Tip #4: Turn on the AC/Dehumidifier

Leaks aren’t the only way for moisture to accumulate in your business. High humidity levels can lead to moisture and mold as well. On hot days, fans can cool you off, but they don’t do much for humidity levels. Run your AC or a dehumidifier to cut down the humidity in the building.

Tip #5: Clean out Trash Cans

While you might switch out the liners regularly, can you remember the last time you washed out the trash cans? It’s easy for bits of food and condensation to sneak beneath liners into the can, which is all mold needs to grow.

Try washing out office wastebaskets about once a month to prevent mold growth.

Tip #6: Take Care of Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system can quickly distribute mold spores throughout your building if there is a problem. Make sure your HVAC system receives regular inspections. Sometimes moisture condenses inside air ducts or leaks drip onto ducts from ceiling tiles, which can lead to mold growth inside the ducts.

Make sure to keep the HVAC drip pans clean and unobstructed. Additionally, replace your filters as needed.

Tip #7: Slope the Ground Away from the Foundation

If the ground around your building slopes toward the foundation, water can accumulate and weaken your building’s structure. Additionally, it provides an ideal environment for mold to grow. The ground should slope away from the building. You should also make sure your building follows the local building codes for drainage.

Mold is persistent. Even if you follow all the right steps it’s still possible for mold to grow and spread in your building. Fortunately, we have the right experience in mold remediation to make your place of business “Like it never even happened.”

Unfortunately, mold doesn’t stay put—it grows quickly. You’ll want to give us a call as soon as you notice it, so we can start the remediation process. Our technicians have the training, equipment, and knowledge necessary to help locate and re mediate mold efficiently.

If you find mold in your place of business, don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs at 954-725-6400.

Commercial Property Loss

11/8/2019 (Permalink)

This photo was taken when an AC line failed and water was everywhere.

Flooding and water damage events in commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale loss, our experienced IICRC Certified Technicians quickly assess the situation and work diligently to contain the damaged area and prevent further loss following the IICRC's S500 Standard for Professional Water Damage Restoration. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

The goal of services for commercial water damage is to dry the business as soon as possible.  Professional services from SERVPRO utilize powerful equipment to extract the water so that the surfaces are dry. Besides, the moisture must be removed from the air, and powerful fans can be brought into the business to thoroughly dry out the space. Monitors can be used to track the progress so that the fans and dehumidifiers remain on until the humidity level has been restored to normal. This ensures that all signs of moisture are removed from the business before the repair and restoration work begins.

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs understands you need to get your business up and running as soon as possible, which is why you can put your trust in us.  Call 954-725-6400!

Schools and Commercial Buildings Mold Remediation Guide

12/19/2018 (Permalink)

Concern about indoor exposure to mold has been increasing as the public becomes aware that exposure to mold can cause a variety of health effects and symptoms, including allergic reactions. This document presents guidelines for the remediation/cleanup of mold and moisture problems in schools and commercial buildings; these guidelines include measures designed to protect the health of building occupants and remediators. It has been designed primarily for:

    • Building managers
    • Custodians
    • Others who are responsible for commercial building and school maintenance

It should serve as a reference for potential mold and moisture remediators. Using this document, individuals with little or no experience with mold remediation should be able to make a reasonable judgment as to whether the situation can be handled in-house. It will help those in charge of maintenance to evaluate an in-house remediation plan or a remediation plan submitted by an outside contractor1. Contractors and other professionals who respond to mold and moisture situations in commercial buildings and schools may also want to refer to these guidelines.

Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any organic substance, as long as moisture and oxygen are present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods, and insulation. When excessive moisture accumulates in buildings or on building materials, mold growth will often occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains undiscovered or unaddressed. It is impossible to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment. However, mold growth can be controlled indoors by controlling moisture indoors.

Molds reproduce by making spores that usually cannot be seen without magnification. Mold spores waft through the indoor and outdoor air continually. When mold spores land on a damp spot indoors, they may begin growing and digesting whatever they are growing on in order to survive. Molds gradually destroy the things they grow on.

Many types of molds exist. All molds have the potential to cause health effects. Molds can produce allergens that can trigger allergic reactions or even asthma attacks in people allergic to mold. Others are known to produce potent toxins and/or irritants. Potential health concerns are an important reason to prevent mold growth and to remediate/clean up any existing indoor mold growth.

Since mold requires water to grow, it is important to prevent moisture problems in buildings. Moisture problems can have many causes, including uncontrolled humidity. Some moisture problems in buildings have been linked to changes in building construction practices during the 1970s, 80s and 90s. Some of these changes have resulted in buildings that are tightly sealed, but may lack adequate ventilation, potentially leading to moisture buildup. Building materials, such as drywall, may not allow moisture to escape easily. Moisture problems may include:

    • Roof leaks
    • Landscaping or gutters that direct water into or under the building
    • Unvented combustion appliances
    • Delayed maintenance or insufficient maintenance are also associated with moisture problems in schools and large buildings

Moisture problems in portable classrooms and other temporary structures have frequently been associated with mold problems. 

When mold growth occurs in buildings, adverse health problems may be reported by some building occupants, particularly those with allergies or respiratory problems. Remediators should avoid exposing themselves and others to mold-laden dusts as they conduct their cleanup activities. Caution should be used to prevent mold and mold spores from being dispersed throughout the air where they can be inhaled by building occupants.

Info by:

Commercial Duct Cleaning

12/18/2018 (Permalink)

Why Clean Air Ducts?

Answer: Because they get dirty!

In addition to normal accumulations of dust and dirt found in all homes with air ducts, there are several other factors that can increase the need for regular HVAC system cleaning:

  • pets
  • occupants with allergies or asthma
  • cigarette or cigar smoke
  • water contamination or damage to the home or HVAC system
  • home renovation or remodeling projects

Some occupants are more sensitive to these contaminants than others. Allergy and asthma sufferers, as well as young children and the elderly tend to be more susceptible to the types of poor indoor air quality that air duct cleaning can help address.

Top Benefits of HVAC Cleaning

NADCA’s rule of thumb for consumers is that “if your air ducts look dirty, they probably are,” and that dirty HVAC systems should be inspected by a reputable, certified HVAC professional. Below are some other reasons homeowners choose to have their air ducts cleaned.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality is one concern that homeowners have when they decide to investigate air duct cleaning. Your heating and cooling system are the lungs of your home. The system takes air in and breathes air out.

Through normal occupation in a home, we generate a great deal of contaminants and air pollutants, such as dander, dust, and chemicals. These contaminants are pulled into the HVAC system and re-circulated 5 to 7 times per day, on average. Over time, this re-circulation causes a build-up of contaminants in the duct work.

While dirty ducts don’t necessarily mean unhealthy air in your home, school or workplace, they may be contributing to larger health issues or harboring contaminants that could cause serious problems for people with respiratory health conditions, autoimmune disorders or some environmental allergies.

Energy Savings

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 25 to 40 percent of the energy used for heating or cooling a home is wasted. Contaminants in the heating and cooling system cause it to work harder and shorten the life of your system. Although filters are used, the heating and cooling system can still get dirty through normal use.

When an HVAC system is clean, it doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain the temperature you desire. As a result, less energy is used, leading to improved cost-effectiveness.

Call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs at 954-725-6400 for a free estimate.

Preventing AC Leaks In Your Business

11/27/2018 (Permalink)

When you are running a business, proper maintenance of your HVAC system is important to keep your business running smoothly. Leaks in your air conditioning system can be frustrating. They are not only messy but can cause significant damage to your business and your inventory. SERVPRO of East Coral Springs can help if you have such a disaster, and we work fast to help prevent more damage.

There are different issues which can cause your central AC system to leak and the need for water removal to your business . A clogged condensate drain pipe causes the drain pan to overflow. Water leakage from an HVAC system can cause drain lines to be clogged with rust, algae, dirt, and other debris.

Drain pipe fittings could be insecure if your AC system was not installed properly. They can loosen over time, causing the drain pipe to disconnect and let the condensate drain onto the floor or through the ceiling.

Another problem is a dirty or malfunctioning condensation pump. Leakage from your system can flood your business, and with the continual presence of water, mildew and mold can grow inside the AC unit, causing it clog.

Our SERVPRO technicians can help you remove the standing water in a case like this, dry the affected area out thoroughly with the use of commercial dehumidifiers and fans, and check for any hidden mold damage. We ensure the area is dry and clean again before we are finished.

Other potential causes for water leakage from your AC unit include low refrigerant, a clogged air filter, no p-trap and air vent in the drain like to stop a water backup, a condensate drain pan which is cracked, and condensate buildup in duct work, which is not insulated. Regular maintenance can help prevent these problems.

Call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs for a free duct cleaning estimate at 954-725-6400.

How to Protect Your Business

11/20/2018 (Permalink)

Owning and operating a commercial property is stressful. South Florida business owners understand how quickly a commercial property can go from up and running smoothly to suffering badly from any disruption of business as usual.  As such, protecting your commercial property from water damage is essential to maintaining your business goals, keeping profits up, and making sure that your employees and customers are happy and satisfied with your business operations.

There are a million different things on your mind as a business owner and keeping up with water damage prevention may be on the bottom of your to do list. However, failing to plan can result in lost business, dissatisfied customers and work force, and a damaging reputation that may be impossible to come back from. Whether you delegate the commercial water damage planning process to someone else on your team or you take it upon yourself to get it done, thinking through a myriad of “what if” scenarios is critical to keeping your business afloat during trying times and unexpected natural disasters.

First and foremost, your business must establish emergency procedures during a storm. Who is responsible for what tasks? What if a storm is coming and the business is closed that day? Which staff members are on call for last minute preparations? Are all of your data and important documents backed up somewhere? Who has access to this information? Have you had a full inspection of the interior and exterior of your business in the event that damages are suffered? Are there any leaks or cracks in the windows, doors, or walls that need to be addressed? Is your plumbing up-to-date and effective? If these questions are overwhelming you, it’s time to create a plan before it’s too late.

Don’t panic! Efficient and effective planning now can be done with organization, dedication, and professional assistance. The team at SERVPRO of East Coral Springs specializes in commercial property water damage cleanup and restoration. We understand how important your business is to you and your family and our staff of highly-trained commercial restoration specialists are here to help!

Tips to Prevent Mold in Your Business

11/20/2018 (Permalink)

Why should you worry about mold in your building? According to OSHA, some mold, over time, may cause structural damage to wood along with damage to furnishings and finishes. Additionally, if left unchecked, some types of mold have strong odors and may trigger allergic reactions or irritate existing respiratory conditions in some people.

Mold can grow anywhere with enough moisture and organic material. Use the following tips to help prevent mold growth in your business.

Tip #1: Clean Out the Refrigerator

It can be difficult to keep track of shared refrigerators. Some people will always remember to clear out their leftovers, others won’t. Old food storage containers are a perfect breeding ground for mold. Over time, mold can travel to the shelving and even outside the refrigerator.

Consider instituting an office refrigerator policy. If something is left in the fridge by a certain time each week, it goes in the garbage.

Tip #2: Look for And Repair Leaks

Leaks from plumbing, windows, roofs, and more can lead to significant water damage in your business as well as an increased risk of mold growth. If you aren’t regularly inspecting your property, it’s easy for these leaks to go unchecked until they create a larger, more costly problem.

Watch for telltale signs of a leak such as lower water pressure; wet spots on the floors, ceilings, or walls; and condensation around window sills and in attic spaces.

Tip #3: Keep It Clean

It’s easy for anyone to get caught up in work and let clutter take over his or her workspace. However, clutter creates lots of hiding spots for crumbs and dust, which are both great food sources for mold. Make sure to clear the clutter and wipe down hard surfaces regularly. Make sure to promptly clean all spills as well.

Clean and sanitize break rooms and bathrooms frequently. Both rooms provide ample opportunity for mold growth. These rooms should be cleaned at least weekly depending on how regularly people use each room.

Tip #4: Turn on the AC/Dehumidifier

Leaks aren’t the only way for moisture to accumulate in your business. High humidity levels can lead to moisture and mold as well. On hot days, fans can cool you off, but they don’t do much for humidity levels. Run your AC or a dehumidifier to cut down the humidity in the building.

Tip #5: Clean out Trash Cans

While you might switch out the liners regularly, can you remember the last time you washed out the trash cans? It’s easy for bits of food and condensation to sneak beneath liners into the can, which is all mold needs to grow.

Try washing out office wastebaskets about once a month to prevent mold growth.

Tip #6: Take Care of Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system can quickly distribute mold spores throughout your building if there is a problem. Make sure your HVAC system receives regular inspections. Sometimes moisture condenses inside air ducts or leaks drip onto ducts from ceiling tiles, which can lead to mold growth inside the ducts.

Make sure to keep the HVAC drip pans clean and unobstructed. Additionally, replace your filters as needed.

Tip #7: Slope the Ground Away from the Foundation

If the ground around your building slopes toward the foundation, water can accumulate and weaken your building’s structure. Additionally, it provides an ideal environment for mold to grow. The ground should slope away from the building. You should also make sure your building follows the local building codes for drainage.

Mold is persistent. Even if you follow all the right steps it’s still possible for mold to grow and spread in your building. Fortunately, we have the right experience in mold remediation to make your place of business “Like it never even happened.”

Unfortunately, mold doesn’t stay put—it grows quickly. You’ll want to give us a call as soon as you notice it, so we can start the remediation process. Our technicians have the training, equipment, and knowledge necessary to help locate and remediate mold efficiently.

If you find mold in your place of business, don’t hesitate to call SERVPRO of East Coral Springs at 954-725-6400.

Addressing Commercial Water Damage

11/19/2018 (Permalink)

Water damage events in commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Our IICRC Certified Technicians will answer your questions and put your mind at ease.  Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

The goal of services is to dry your business as soon as possible.  SERVPRO's professional services utilize powerful equipment to extract the water to assist in the drying process. SERVPRO's powerful fans are used thoroughly dry out the space. Dehumidifiers are placed to remove moisture in the air.  Our Technicians monitor the drying process until moisture levels return to normal. This ensures that all signs of moisture are removed from the business before the repair work begins.

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs is "Always Here to Help"!  954-725-6400

Commercial Property Loss

11/16/2018 (Permalink)

Flooding and water damage events in commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale loss, our experienced IICRC Certified Technicians quickly assess the situation and work diligently to contain the damaged area and prevent further loss following the IICRC's S500 Standard for Professional Water Damage Restoration. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

The goal of services for commercial water damage is to dry the business as soon as possible.  Professional services from SERVPRO utilize powerful equipment to extract the water so that the surfaces are dry. Besides, the moisture must be removed from the air, and powerful fans can be brought into the business to thoroughly dry out the space. Monitors can be used to track the progress so that the fans and dehumidifiers remain on until the humidity level has been restored to normal. This ensures that all signs of moisture are removed from the business before the repair and restoration work begins.

SERVPRO of East Coral Springs understands you need to get your business up and running as soon as possible, which is why you can put your trust in us.  Call 954-725-6400!

Mold Remediation In Commercial Buildings

12/20/2017 (Permalink)

This wall inside the warehouse is full of mold as you can see in the picture.

Concern about indoor exposure to mold has been increasing as the public becomes aware that exposure to mold can cause a variety of health effects and symptoms, including allergic reactions. This document presents guidelines for the remediation/cleanup of mold and moisture problems in schools and commercial buildings; these guidelines include measures designed to protect the health of building occupants and remediators. It has been designed primarily for:

    • Building managers

    • Custodians

    • Others who are responsible for commercial building and school maintenance

It should serve as a reference for potential mold and moisture remediators. Using this document, individuals with little or no experience with mold remediation should be able to make a reasonable judgment as to whether the situation can be handled in-house. It will help those in charge of maintenance to evaluate an in-house remediation plan or a remediation plan submitted by an outside contractor1. Contractors and other professionals who respond to mold and moisture situations in commercial buildings and schools may also want to refer to these guidelines.

Molds can be found almost anywhere; they can grow on virtually any organic substance, as long as moisture and oxygen are present. There are molds that can grow on wood, paper, carpet, foods, and insulation. When excessive moisture accumulates in buildings or on building materials, mold growth will often occur, particularly if the moisture problem remains undiscovered or unaddressed. It is impossible to eliminate all mold and mold spores in the indoor environment. However, mold growth can be controlled indoors by controlling moisture indoors.

Molds reproduce by making spores that usually cannot be seen without magnification. Mold spores waft through the indoor and outdoor air continually. When mold spores land on a damp spot indoors, they may begin growing and digesting whatever they are growing on in order to survive. Molds gradually destroy the things they grow on.

Many types of molds exist. All molds have the potential to cause health effects. Molds can produce allergens that can trigger allergic reactions or even asthma attacks in people allergic to mold. Others are known to produce potent toxins and/or irritants. Potential health concerns are an important reason to prevent mold growth and to remediate/clean up any existing indoor mold growth.

Since mold requires water to grow, it is important to prevent moisture problems in buildings. Moisture problems can have many causes, including uncontrolled humidity. Some moisture problems in buildings have been linked to changes in building construction practices during the 1970s, 80s and 90s. Some of these changes have resulted in buildings that are tightly sealed, but may lack adequate ventilation, potentially leading to moisture buildup. Building materials, such as drywall, may not allow moisture to escape easily. Moisture problems may include:

    • Roof leaks

    • Landscaping or gutters that direct water into or under the building

    • Unvented combustion appliances

    • Delayed maintenance or insufficient maintenance are also associated with moisture problems in schools and large buildings

Moisture problems in portable classrooms and other temporary structures have frequently been associated with mold problems. 

When mold growth occurs in buildings, adverse health problems may be reported by some building occupants, particularly those with allergies or respiratory problems. Remediators should avoid exposing themselves and others to mold-laden dusts as they conduct their cleanup activities. Caution should be used to prevent mold and mold spores from being dispersed throughout the air where they can be inhaled by building occupants.

info by:


Why Clean Air Ducts In Your Coral Springs Business ?

12/19/2017 (Permalink)

One of our professional technicians cleaning out an air duct.

Why Clean Air Ducts?

Answer: Because they get dirty!

In addition to normal accumulations of dust and dirt found in all homes with air ducts, there are several other factors that can increase the need for regular HVAC system cleaning:

  • pets
  • occupants with allergies or asthma
  • cigarette or cigar smoke
  • water contamination or damage to the home or HVAC system
  • home renovation or remodeling projects

Some occupants are more sensitive to these contaminants than others. Allergy and asthma sufferers, as well as young children and the elderly tend to be more susceptible to the types of poor indoor air quality that air duct cleaning can help address.

Top Benefits of HVAC Cleaning

NADCA’s rule of thumb for consumers is that “if your air ducts look dirty, they probably are,” and that dirty HVAC systems should be inspected by a reputable, certified HVAC professional. Below are some other reasons homeowners choose to have their air ducts cleaned.

Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality is one concern that homeowners have when they decide to investigate air duct cleaning. Your heating and cooling system are the lungs of your home. The system takes air in and breathes air out.

Through normal occupation in a home, we generate a great deal of contaminants and air pollutants, such as dander, dust, and chemicals. These contaminants are pulled into the HVAC system and re-circulated 5 to 7 times per day, on average. Over time, this re-circulation causes a build-up of contaminants in the duct work.

While dirty ducts don’t necessarily mean unhealthy air in your home, school or workplace, they may be contributing to larger health issues or harboring contaminants that could cause serious problems for people with respiratory health conditions, autoimmune disorders or some environmental allergies.

Energy Savings

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, 25 to 40 percent of the energy used for heating or cooling a home is wasted. Contaminants in the heating and cooling system cause it to work harder and shorten the life of your system. Although filters are used, the heating and cooling system can still get dirty through normal use.

When an HVAC system is clean, it doesn’t have to work as hard to maintain the temperature you desire. As a result, less energy is used, leading to improved cost-effectiveness.

Causes of AC Leaks In Your Business

11/29/2017 (Permalink)

Make sure to maintain your ac in your business to help save money and to keep everyday things running smoothly

When you are running a business , proper maintenance of your HVAC system is important to keep your business running smoothly. Leaks in your air conditioning system can be frustrating. They are not only messy but can cause significant damage to your business and your inventory. SERVPRO can help if you have such a disaster, and we work fast to help prevent more damage.

There are different issues which can cause your central AC system to leak and the need for water removal to your business . A clogged condensate drain pipe causes the drain pan to overflow. Water leakage from an HVAC system can cause drain lines to be clogged with rust, algae, dirt, and other debris.

Drain pipe fittings could be insecure if your AC system was not installed properly. They can loosen over time, causing the drain pipe to disconnect and let the condensate drain onto the floor or through the ceiling.

Another problem is a dirty or malfunctioning condensation pump. Leakage from your system can flood your business, and with the continual presence of water, mildew and mold can grow inside the AC unit, causing it clog.

Our SERVPRO technicians can help you remove the standing water in a case like this, dry the affected area out thoroughly with the use of commercial dehumidifiers and fans, and check for any hidden mold damage. We ensure the area is dry and clean again before we are finished.

Other potential causes for water leakage from your AC unit include low refrigerant, a clogged air filter, no p-trap and air vent in the drain like to stop a water backup, a condensate drain pan which is cracked, and condensate buildup in ductwork which is not insulated. Regular maintenance can help prevent these problems.

Protecting Your Commercial Property

11/27/2017 (Permalink)

Here is a bookstore that has leak causing a problem inside the store.

Owning and operating a commercial property is stressful. South Florida business owners understand how quickly a commercial property can go from up and running smoothly to suffering badly from any disruption of business as usual.  As such, protecting your commercial property from water damage is essential to maintaining your business goals, keeping profits up, and making sure that your employees and customers are happy and satisfied with your business operations.

There are a million different things on your mind as a business owner and keeping up with water damage prevention may be on the bottom of your to do list. However, failing to plan can result in lost business, dissatisfied customers and work force, and a damaging reputation that may be impossible to come back from. Whether you delegate the commercial water damage planning process to someone else on your team or you take it upon yourself to get it done, thinking through a myriad of “what if” scenarios is critical to keeping your business afloat during trying times and unexpected natural disasters.

First and foremost, your business must establish emergency procedures during a storm. Who is responsible for what tasks? What if a storm is coming and the business is closed that day? Which staff members are on call for last minute preparations? Are all of your data and important documents backed up somewhere? Who has access to this information? Have you had a full inspection of the interior and exterior of your business in the event that damages are suffered? Are there any leaks or cracks in the windows, doors, or walls that need to be addressed? Is your plumbing up-to-date and effective? If these questions are overwhelming you, it’s time to create a plan before it’s too late.

Don’t panic! Efficient and effective planning now can be done with organization, dedication, and a little professional assistance. The team at SERVPRO specializes in commercial property water damage cleanup and restoration. We understand how important your business is to you and your family and our staff of highly-trained commercial restoration specialists are here to help!

7 Ways To Avoid Mold In Your Business

11/27/2017 (Permalink)

Do you mold this wall had to be removed in this business.

Why should you worry about mold in your building? According to OSHA, some mold, over time, may cause structural damage to wood along with damage to furnishings and finishes. Additionally, if left unchecked, some types of mold have strong odors and may trigger allergic reactions or irritate existing respiratory conditions in some people.

Mold can grow anywhere with enough moisture and organic material. Use the following tips to help prevent mold growth in your business.

Tip #1: Clean Out the Refrigerator

It can be difficult to keep track of shared refrigerators. Some people will always remember to clear out their leftovers, others won’t. Old food storage containers are a perfect breeding ground for mold. Over time, mold can travel to the shelving and even outside the refrigerator.

Consider instituting an office refrigerator policy. If something is left in the fridge by a certain time each week, it goes in the garbage.

Tip #2: Look for And Repair Leaks

Leaks from plumbing, windows, roofs, and more can lead to significant water damage in your business as well as an increased risk of mold growth. If you aren’t regularly inspecting your property, it’s easy for these leaks to go unchecked until they create a larger, more costly problem.

Watch for telltale signs of a leak such as lower water pressure; wet spots on the floors, ceilings, or walls; and condensation around window sills and in attic spaces.

Tip #3: Keep It Clean

It’s easy for anyone to get caught up in work and let clutter take over his or her workspace. However, clutter creates lots of hiding spots for crumbs and dust, which are both great food sources for mold. Make sure to clear the clutter and wipe down hard surfaces regularly. Make sure to promptly clean all spills as well.

Clean and sanitize break rooms and bathrooms frequently. Both rooms provide ample opportunity for mold growth. These rooms should be cleaned at least weekly depending on how regularly people use each room.

Tip #4: Turn on the AC/Dehumidifier

Leaks aren’t the only way for moisture to accumulate in your business. High humidity levels can lead to moisture and mold as well. On hot days, fans can cool you off, but they don’t do much for humidity levels. Run your AC or a dehumidifier to cut down the humidity in the building.

Tip #5: Clean out Trash Cans

While you might switch out the liners regularly, can you remember the last time you washed out the trash cans? It’s easy for bits of food and condensation to sneak beneath liners into the can, which is all mold needs to grow.

Try washing out office wastebaskets about once a month to prevent mold growth.

Tip #6: Take Care of Your HVAC System

Your HVAC system can quickly distribute mold spores throughout your building if there is a problem. Make sure your HVAC system receives regular inspections. Sometimes moisture condenses inside air ducts or leaks drip onto ducts from ceiling tiles, which can lead to mold growth inside the ducts.

Make sure to keep the HVAC drip pans clean and unobstructed. Additionally, replace your filters as needed.

Tip #7: Slope the Ground Away from the Foundation

If the ground around your building slopes toward the foundation, water can accumulate and weaken your building’s structure. Additionally, it provides an ideal environment for mold to grow. The ground should slope away from the building. You should also make sure your building follows the local building codes for drainage.

Mold is persistent. Even if you follow all the right steps it’s still possible for mold to grow and spread in your building. Fortunately, we have the right experience in mold remediation to make your place of business “Like it never even happened.”

Unfortunately, mold doesn’t stay put—it grows quickly. You’ll want to give us a call as soon as you notice it, so we can start the remediation process. Our technicians have the training, equipment, and knowledge necessary to help locate and remediate mold efficiently.

If you find mold in your place of business, don’t hesitate to call us at 954-725-6400.

Restoring Your Commercial Property Loss

11/20/2017 (Permalink)

Commercial water loss no problem


Flooding and water damage events at Coral Springs/Davie commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

The goal of services for commercial water damage in East Davie/Cooper City is to dry the business up as soon as possible, and you may only have a mop or perhaps a wet vacuum that can be used to soak up some of the moisture in the business. This, however, is not the most effective way to dry up the mess. Professional services from SERVPRO utilize powerful equipment to extract the water from the business so that the surfaces are dry. Besides, the moisture must be removed from the air, and powerful fans can be brought into the business to thoroughly dry out the space. Monitors can be used to track the progress so that the fans and dehumidifiers remain on until the humidity level has been restored to normal. This ensures that all signs of moisture are removed from the business before the repair and restoration work begins.